This is the vision I had when I was working as a political prisoner in Kosmokol in the former Russia. I worked in robot research and was sent back in time to today. The (only) female government wanted to punish me this way for having desires. I will never forget my bad experiences in Kosmokol, where men are beaten and castrated for fun. I remember in particulair the road roller incident. 100 men were killed by a road roller that drove over them only because their toenails were to long. They did not know that they were going to be killed and they were surrounded by killerbots. I was forced to drive the vehicle and will never forget their screams when they paved the concrete. It was either this or to be thrown in boiling iron.
But that was yesterday. The collective of woman have not punished me, but freed me from the oppression of them. I don't long for the time I had there. I want to warn the world for what is coming: a terror state run by woman.
The doctor also said that it's good to write these horrifying stories, so I will be able to forget those experiments they had on me. The doctor even hacked in to my CPU collaboration tool and disabled the neuro-amplifier.
Then the doctor prescribed me some medicine to controle my 'psychotic paranoid schizofrenia with a tendency to catatonia' as it was called (tomorrow the doctor will explain me what those words mean), and told me what a good friend I am when I take the prescriptions. Yes, I feel much better now, she is really a true friend.
But now I must stop writing because at 18.00 the lights go off.