zondag 19 februari 2017

Power of Decision - Simulated Nuclear War Documentary (1958)

This good old documentary shows us the state of the art response time to a nuclear holocaust.
Of course, we give them every chance to surrender and then keep them bombs dropping.
Nowadays nobody will take the effort to count all the casualties after such an incident that is called WW3.0. because at that time we must bridge the slave gap with the enemies.


Like Oscar Wilde wrote:
“Cecil Graham: What is a cynic?
Lord Darlington: A man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
Cecil Graham: And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything and doesn’t know the market price of any single thing.”

zaterdag 18 februari 2017

Factory Workers during the Great Depression - "From Dawn to Sunset" - Ella73TV

The depression is great, America is great, Fake news was great. it was great. It is gonna be great again.
The real reason for isolationism is perhaps the fear of the total collapse of capitalism by globalism and the financial interconnectedness. If American banks are not even going to have economic relations with other countries or the foreign accounts, indices and commodities are double or triple taxed, then foreign valuta are not as likely stressed with the same recession. But my guess is that financial isolationism isn't the case with Trumpism, for its the only legal mean of blackmail America has. But foremost because Trump doesn't cut his own overseas financial ties with his own business.  Goldman-Sachs has more on this story after their experiment with Greece and the EU, it's also one of the banks that is never hacked by Russia oddly enough.
Above movie was from 1937 and the cars @8:32 on the assembly line are the Master Coupe type, in a time when newspapers only wrote the facts.

woensdag 15 februari 2017

M.A.M.O.N. - Latinos VS. Donald Trump short film cortometraje

How To Judge Facts (1948)

In de democratieen van de westerse wereld is er een scheiding tussen religie en politiek vanwege de opinie dat oorlogen uit religieuze overtuigingen veel wreder zijn en daarom religie zich niet in de politiek moet mengen, maar voeren diezelfde vredelievende democratieen oorlog met die staten die niet inzien dat religieuze oorlogen wreder zijn. Gelukkig zal Trump met zijn 'War for Peace' er voorgoed een eind aan maken. Aaangezien in oorlog, politiek en religie de feiten als eerste sneuvelen of ondersneeuwen is bovenstaand filmpje een onderwijs in journalistiek onderzoek.
Het gaat om de scheiding van leugens en de meest praktische leugen komt van de autoriteiten: registreer, monitor en observeer. Iemands mening doet er maar eens in de 4 jaar toe.
Feitelijk is er sinds Hitler en zijn Holocaust een grote autoriteitsciris in de na-oorlogse westerse wereld ontstaan omdat niemand nog de paus, popidiool, mediacommentator, dokter of wetenschapper nog lang genoeg kan vertrouwen voor enige substantieele stabiliteit in een wereld van verschuivende decors. De dynamiek van het politiek circus is de souffleurs boven het hoofd gegroeid. Als men wel in de holocuast geloofde maar het niet kon bewijzen in de beginjaren veertig had men een probleem, hetzelfde geldt nu voor WW3. Steve Bannon kent die feiten uit zijn duimpje.
Histories begon d autoriteitscrisis al met de stichting van de staat Israel en heeft zich langzaam over de hele wereld verspreid en nu plukken we de vruchten van nalatigheid. De eindstrijd tussen debiliserende feiten en uit de lucht geplukte meningen zal het begin van gods koninkrijk inluiden met een gillende keukenmeid.

De enige overgebleven autoriteit is het verblindende licht van je eigen verstand, waarbij 20% van de feiten al 80% van je verstand bezig houdt.

dinsdag 14 februari 2017


"Want het is niet juist om meer waarde te hechten aan datgene wat niet uit onszelf voortkomt, zoals de lof van de massa, of ambten, of rijkdom, of het zich vermeien in genoegens, dan aan het goede, dat in overeenstemming is met de rede en het maatschappelijk belang"
--Marcus Aurelius, Overpeinzingen, boek 3; VI

Commissie rechtsstatelijkheid in verkiezingsprogramma’s 2017

Sufjan Stevens "John Wayne Gacy Jr" Music Video

maandag 13 februari 2017

Slavoj Žižek - On Trump & Fake News (Feb. 2017)

For a global left-wing answer one could start with a very clear distinction between, the people, the public, and the audience. As is the audience everyone that is witness to a performance, as is the public everyone that is any member of a community in open space and the people is the representation of the nation by its population. Anything a community puts together is a performance.
The possession of a performance is regulated by the population. The entry to a population is a performance that is to be approved by the audience. On an international level the audience are also everyone outside a nation witnessing that nation. The global performance is witnessed by the global community. Everything private is because of the internet part of a lie and object of politics. Politics is the performance of the private sphere. The education on performance is called culture. The elite and the people are each others audience in politics. The creation of an inhumane public starts with economics. The performance of politic-economical behavior is the endpoint of any ideology for the public. Children are the audience for science, any science that's not public is politic.

zondag 12 februari 2017

We the Audience of the USR, in Order to form a more perfect Union...

We the Audience of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

and pledge allegiance to Steve Bannon's ideology

This dickumentary is from Steve Bannon from 2010, and already one of the many things to torture the public of the USR with.
The fourth turning, in his obscure idea of historical progression, could be as easily the climate change he denies instead of the global all-out war aginst Islam as IS hoped for.
More on the NeoRaction experiment (National Reactionary?) or NRx movement can be found here.

donderdag 9 februari 2017

Perversion For Profit (1965)

These explicit images in so-called girlie magazines not only make you blind but turn you also into a rapist, and those body builder magazines make a homosexual out of you.

And even African nature documentaries turns you into committing bestialities you were never aware of. And common household magazines will have you turn into a sickened perverted sexual fetish.
And with black and white magazines people turn int interracial deviants.

All of what can be published will eventually turn people into the most sickening deviants of sexual behavior, and even as we speak this internet message will turn you to a deviant that is turned on by deafness for correct info. These are the rules of the game since 1965 in sepia color. Amen.

dinsdag 7 februari 2017

Seduction Of The Innocent (1961)

It's like the symptoms of capitalist consumerism: you start with nutritious food but it wears off so you begin smoking cigarettes, that doesn't help either because you want to be a winner and you are introduced to today's hero/heroine but then society demands money and you become an addict. You live in constant fear of not being normal and you need a job with a home and children. Your moral fiber gets corrupted and you start your own stolen supply of heroism and your nerves show neurotic symptoms and you will be careless. You will feel a loser and you will still don't have enough money and so you go street walking and shop on credit. There is no escape because you are hooked. But the things you bought don't make you feel happy as they use to do, you feel low and depressed. The debt collectors and the banks can't pay your doctor bills anymore and instead want to get paid. From here on it's only downhill, and you feel abused by the socio-political system that has abandoned your dream. And nobody knows how to listen to you anymore or can't look at the horrific inhuman greed that terrorized you.

zondag 5 februari 2017

The rise of fake-populism on the beaches of mount Everest

Populism is going global. And their voters want their countries back like the way they were before the climate crisis. And the people will get those days back in extremely hard labor and lack of comfort and civil rights.
Good morning, Vietnam.
It's clear that to use the leaders of government to promote the idea of the European union is the wrong choice, because these leaders are wearing two hats (as leader of a country and as a member of the European council) and that is threatening to democracy for a lot of people which is exploited by the fake populism. And because the European union as a political organ body has no comprehensible and active PR strategy for itself by itself delivered to all Europeans, nobody besides the government leaders seems to fathom what the EU wants because these government leaders invent the EU policy.
Good morning, Vietnam.
And the only opposition possible to that lack/gap of EU PR harmonization is fake populism if it wasn't happening also in the US with Calexit as a reaction to Trump's populism. So populism creates rifts in larger political bodies by polarization starting with the Arab Spring in 2011. The mistake is thinking that global collaboration brought us the disaster of climate change and protectionism should help us out this mess, but climate change doesn't stop at borders.
Good morning, Vietnam.
And it is fake populism because what is more democratic than the absence of active indoctrination from the supra-political body you can vote for, because nobody can have real leadership in the EU for it is all about cooperation, respect, civil rights, rule of law, facts and lack of ambition. Or in the US a majority of votes by the system but losing the popular vote. The primary consensus and powerless anger of the populistic voter are the belief of a rigged system during the climate crisis and their hypocrite short-term self-interested solution in the political body larger or smaller than themselves for the quicker results in satisfying scapegoat demands by techno-political means while we are all passengers on the Titanic. Populism is the political equivalent of denying the iceberg in a panic on a sinking ship when it is everybody for themselves and nobody likes you as long as the music continues. Except, in today's case the lifeboats leak.
Good morning, Vietnam. Dropping the mic.

Showing what happens with Trump's climate policy when all the ice is melted:

Russia loses big
The netherlands, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania are drowned.
We will fight them on the beaches of mount Everest,
there is no Vietnam left

Nearly all coastal cities and buildings drowned 

zaterdag 4 februari 2017

orange mountain

Mind Your Manners (1953)

And if you have 'good' gang manners like today's president of the USR then you know they are showing too. Like pushing people off the sidewalk and not disconnect phone's politely or being too talkative to the police. Or when you beat your wife up on a Saturday afternoon. Yeah, manners matter in power politics too. Because it's cooler than normality.

donderdag 2 februari 2017

Exchanging Greetings and Introductions (1960)

Voor mensen met superioriteitsswaan gelden echter de regels voor audientie en inferieure mensen, zoals mensen met een handicap of slaven, worden steeds uit de wachtrij gehaald om zich achter aan te sluiten omdat ze de hele ingang blokkeren of gedebiliseerd staan bij de uitgang. Welkom in de 21ste eeuw.

het verschil tussen porno en sexting

Het zou iedereen duidelijk moeten zijn dan men geen foto's moet sharen die dankzij sexting en dus zonder toestemming op het web terecht zijn gekomen, dit soort foto's kan men al herkennen doordat ze niet zo flawless zijn als genormaliseerde pornofotoo's die voor geld zijn gemaakt. De sproeten en andere oneffenheden zijn niet weggewerkt, maar zijn daarmee dus net zo goed als andere amateur porno die voor de fun zijn genomen. Er is nog geen keurmerk voor amateurfoto's die met toestemming op internet zijn beland tov. foto's die 'gestolen' zijn.
Daarnaast is ook de gewone porno niet altijd uit vrije wil gedaan en dus zou een keurmerk het overdenken waard zijn, ware het niet dat alle porno de vrouw tot een object debiliseerd. En met de huidige stand van vrouwen emancipatie wordt ook al de man een lustobject. De miljoenen foto's van vrouwen/mannen die dus uit vrije wil op de pornofoto's staan en met toestemming op internet zijn belandt kunnen zich onderscheiden door een keurmerk te dragen, het liefst op haar/zijn voorhoofd en aangebracht door een overheidsinstantie. Als al die miljoenen zich maar eens zouden verenigen dan zou het internet ook veiliger zijn voor de meerderheid van vrouwen. Het is eenvoudiger dat deze vrouwen/mannen zich verenigen omdat het hoogstwaarschijnlijk is dat het vrijwillig zich naakt op internet presenteren de minderheid van alle pornofotoo's zijn. Dit zou de tweede seksuele revolutie kunnen zijn in de eerste seksuele deeleconomie. En creert tevens een toename in werkgelegenheid voor het opsporingsapparaat dat achter mensen moet aangaan die het keurmerk proberen te omzeilen.