dinsdag 26 oktober 2004

A day without sunshine is like night.

Cassini-Huygens Fly-By at Titan / ESA TV Live / 27-10-2004 | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference

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I'm not even going to ignore that.

Funcapper Vidcaps Site

Don't start with me. You know how I get.

Tantra Tips

It's worse than that, it's physics, Jim!

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Cassini set to pierce moon's haze

Is this the right room for an argument?

ikwileenreferendum.nl--Wat en hoe
Of men nu voor of tegen de kabinetsplannen voor het prepensioen is, het is een onderwerp dat sterk leeft onder de bevolking. Door middel van een referendum kan de bevolking zich over dit onderwerp uitspreken. De uitslag van zo’n referendum is een zwaarwegend advies, dat de regering niet zomaar naast zich neer kan leggen. Vindt u ook dat er een referendum moet komen wanneer de regering vasthoudt aan haar vut-prepensioen-plannen? Steun dan het initiatief voor een referendum en meld u hier aan!



belangrijkste doodsoorzaken per leeftijdsgroep .xls

zondag 24 oktober 2004

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.

De kiesmannen van het verkiezingsstelsel - telegraaf.nl [Buitenland]
Ideeetje voor de Europese Commissie?

I thought I was mistaken but I was mistaken.

desexualisation of society

A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!

Yahoo! News - Rise of the Robots: Segway Platform Gives Mechanoids Motion
A military project aimed at building smarter robots has given researchers the wheels they need to make their automatons go.

Hills weed out the weak. Darwin would argue this is good.

The New York Times > Week in Review > The Best of Physics: What Makes an Equation Beautiful

Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

dynamic statistics from around the world

I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!

Exclusively Marisa - The Definitive Marisa Tomei Webpage

donderdag 21 oktober 2004

Courage atrophies from lack of use.

Alex's paper airplanes

Happiness is not a destination. It's the trip.

24h party people

Happiness is Earth in your rear view mirror.

RadioLovers.com - Old Time Radio Shows
We offer hundreds of vintage radio shows for you to listen to online in mp3 format, all for free.

"sir, step out of the car please!"--cartman episode 203

you will respect my authoritah 1.2MB movie

God does not play dice.

Noorderlicht Nieuws::Muis ruimt op--
Grote stukken DNA overbodig

Muizen blijken grote delen van hun DNA te kunnen missen. Dat roept opnieuw vragen op over de rol van het zogenaamde ‘junk-DNA’ dat maar liefst 97 procent uitmaakt van ons erfelijk materiaal.

Converse with any plankton lately?

CTV.ca | C. difficile threat growing, study finds
A strain of bacteria that has been plaguing Quebec hospitals is more widespread and deadly than previously believed.

A study by McGill University epidemiologist Vivian Loo looked at incidents of Clostridium difficile infection at 10 hospitals in Montreal and Sherbrooke, Que. from January to June of this year.

Loo found the bug has killed 109 people. Another 33 patients underwent major intestinal surgery to control their affliction, said the study.

dinsdag 19 oktober 2004

Progress implies a direction

An Hydrogen Economy? Not so fast...
In recent years, many people wrote that as oil reserves are diminishing, we should use hydrogen to power our cars. Before going further, it is important to remember that hydrogen is not itself a source of energy, but a carrier of the energy produced by fuel cells.

Some have a way with with words, others... um... uh...

Planet - Bijzonder dagboek joods WO II-slachtoffer duikt op

zondag 17 oktober 2004

Confucius say: I didn't say that!

The grave of emperor Qin Shi Huang - the first emperor of china

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I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.

Het Nieuwsblad Online In Duitsland is een levenslange "Big Brother" in de maak. De Duitse variant van de realityshow "Big Brother" hoopt vanaf 1 maart van start te gaan met uitzendingen vanuit een speciaal daarvoor gebouwde stad waar kandidaten gedurende verschillende decennia zouden leven. Dat bevestigt de Duitse krant Welt am Sonntag.

zaterdag 16 oktober 2004

The revolution ... is a dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters.--Fidel Castro

De site, Het Rode mannetje opent met: ''Waar geld is of actie, het rode gevaar is nabij. Het Rode mannetje stelt de zelfverrijking aan de top aan de kaak.'' Volgens de site neemt het Rode mannetje u mee naar de huizen van een aantal toppers. ''Blijf kijken want de komende weken krijgt u steeds meer te zien'', zo staat er te lezen. Ook de complete lijst inkomensgegevens van grootverdieners valt op te vragen.
Het Rode Mannetje

Captain's Log, star date 21:34.5.

BBC NEWS | Health | Sleepwalkers who have 'sex sleep': "Imagine finding unexplained condoms around your house and then waking up one night to find your partner having sex with a stranger."

If I want your stupid opinion, I'll beat it out of you.

VARA/NPS: Zembla De (on)macht van de Hells Angels::uitzending online te verafschuwen/bewondering - blanke jongens, stoere pit

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For the finest in brain candy.

ANP FotoArchief

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donderdag 14 oktober 2004

If I had anything witty to say, I wouldn't put it here.

Scraped RSS Feeds for suprnova

this is clickfree space


I've had to guess at her, sewing her skin together as I sew mine, though with a different stitch. - Adrienne Rich

Noorderlicht Nieuws::Levende jas
Weefselkunstenaars slaan toe

...Catts en Zurr hebben inmiddels de handen ineen geslagen met Orlan, een Franse performance-artieste die beeldende kunst bedrijft door haar eigen gezicht te veranderen met extreme grimage-technieken en zelfs plastische chirurgie. De drie willen een levend harlekijnspak maken, vervaardigd uit de huidcellen van Orlan vermengd met huidcellen van verschillende mensenrassen. Ook willen de twee extra gezichtsonderdelen ‘kweken’ voor Stelarc, een Australische kunstenaar die zijn lichaam met behulp van robotledematen en ‘virtual reality’-techniek verandert in een levende kunstinstallatie.

dinsdag 12 oktober 2004

In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. - Ninon De L'Enclos (1616-1706)

I went yesterday to the movie: the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Really beautiful! Can love be erased from the mind?

For other people who have seen this movie here are the song and lyrics for
Clementine by Rick Mason

And a website to erase your own mind.

The movie quotes

The poem lines (207-210) the title is based on:
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

zondag 10 oktober 2004

I am a creationist; I refuse to believe that I could have evolved from humans

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'New' giant ape found in DR Congo

The Internet, of course, is more than just a place to find pictures of people having sex with dogs.-- Time Magazine, 3 July 1995

Pilot Voices Potential Cause for Florida’s Hurricanes? The unbridled use of wireless technology contributes to an unstable atmosphere and magnetosphere thereby generating weather anomalies. Nina says, “it is as if the earth is being tickled all over and is responding by twitching and convulsing, generating seismic activity and violent weather.”

Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it.-- Max Frisch

Noorderlicht Nieuws::Tiendendag
Nachtwacht van de natuurkunde online

Tien oktober is ‘Powers of Ten’-dag, vernoemd naar de gelijknamige film uit 1977. De film is een klassieker die de kijker in negen minuten meeneemt vanaf de uitersten van het heelal tot aan de dans van de quarks. “De Nachtwacht van de natuurkunde,” vindt astrofysicus Vincent Icke. Vanaf vandaag als video op de site.

zaterdag 9 oktober 2004

Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes.

Gmail filesystem for windows::use your Gmail account as a drive

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.-Groucho Marx

BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Deconstruction icon Derrida dies

The ultimate result of protecting men from the results of their own folly is to fill the world with fools.

Guardian Unlimited | Arts galleries | Lennon's art index

A society without a religion is like a crazed psychopath without a loaded .45.

CNN.com - Authorities:�Girl attacked baby sitter with machete - Oct 7, 2004

A penny earned....is cheap labor.

b3ta.com:: the strangest thing you where been paid for to do

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.

Mighty Goods: Shopping Blog
We look for things we really like, and then we put them here, right where you can find them.

DYNAMIC LINKING ERROR: Your mistake is now everywhere.

SANS Top 20 Vulnerabilities - The Experts Consensus

vrijdag 8 oktober 2004

One man's constant is another man's variable. - Perlis

sodaconstructor nEAT!

Tony Montana: Say hello to my little friend! -Scarface (1983)

Cartman-2000s southpark website

Morpheus: Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. -Matrix, The (1999

Detailed Country Profile: Turkey
Unfortunately for Turkey, they don't belong to the EU-bloc NOR to the Arabic-bloc, so what would you do? Join with switzerland and cuba to a bloc of blocless states?

Our whole country is turning into a museum and they're making us pay to get in. The spectacle is consuming us all.[KYB]

PRESS RELEASE: Golden Age Rules has Started on Earth or Satjug - Peace Started on Earth Marked 2nd Year Bless by God

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. --Victor Hugo

One Foot In The Grave - The Oldest Punk Band In The World

I wish I hadn't said that about nobody being hurt. That's the sort of thing that gets held against you in court.[KYB]

FilmTotaal.nl - [One Missed Call recensie]

see also this post

donderdag 7 oktober 2004

beauty mores today

The democratization of beauty
The Wisdom of Positive Acceptance
The Beefcaking of America
Putting Your Best Face Forward
Plastic Surgey: The New Beauty Norm?

a forum about one of these 'reality' shows :: The Swan
So everybody that doesn't look as a model or actor is a freak?

Which part of the 'beautiful lie' didn't you understand?

blog of the day

The Movie Blog - Opinions on Movies and Movie News

Rick : Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.-Casablanca (1942)

lucifer morningstar

It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.-Conan Doyle


True friends stab you in the front.

: "10 weken acties in sectoren, waaronder stakingen. En daarna een referendum. Dat zijn de actieplannen van FNV, CNV en MHP, zo meldt FNV e-Magazine van 6 oktober 2004."

Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.-The Matrix(1999)

ClipX is a tiny clipboard history manager. It is sweet, it is free, use it.

woensdag 6 oktober 2004

It just proves what I was saying. Nobody's got any morals. The world's sick. Everybody's sick.[KYB]

Index of /dirs/1/3/1/4/13146::The Beauty and the Bolshevist by Alice Duer Miller (1874-1942)

I know what you're thinking: Rebellion's all very well but does it really include becoming a blonde bimbo?[KYB]

Pestiside: Playmates in Pornland: Why Even Hungary Loves Playboy

But, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a lot of sense to me... [the big lebowski]

state censorship!!

You know, I didn't think I'd ever fall in love with anyone. Thank God our relationship's never going to have to stand the test of time.[KYB]

Length: 3657034 Bytes, 3571KB
UUHash: =I5h8LNm1jHOYB2YuesZqROtQCnc=

Stumbling words and stuttering lips
Make the sentence complete
A death sentence complete
Create hell our of hopelessness
Confirm the failure of it all
Falling and calling
Falling and crawling
A Stick in the ground scratches your name
A scream in the darkness is searching
Again and again
Watching eyes wait for sadeness to rise
True superstitions combine and thicken
This poison that reaches my Soul
This terror that blackens my Soul
I must smile at your strategy
And laugh at your plan
And the execution of it all
Like death itself love is rotting inside of me
But there'll be no protection for you - you cannot hide me
I am cold on a bed of ice
But like seasons I know it will pass
It will always return again though
A Summer of love is a momentary and transient thing
Winter will always return again.

dinsdag 5 oktober 2004

I want to be the girl the boys all fancy. The one with the big tits and a big smile and nothing in her head.[KYB]


People said we were evil but they missed the point again. It was just high spirits.[KYB]

it was just high spirits

HBK=HBKP=laatste deel?

Oetzitterd���Alles is herleidbaar tot vier/4!
Alles is herleidbaar tot vier of 4, het is maar hoe je wilt. Hoe kom ik daar bij? Via Zwe,
die kwam daar gisteren namelijk mee. Let maar op!
Twaalf = zes = drie = vier, tel dus maar even het aantal letters. En nee, volgens
mij is er echt geen woord dat niet herleidbaar is tot vier. Probeer maar eens!
Hottentottententententoonstelling = drieendertig = twaalf = zes = drie = vier. Tadaa!
Nog eentje, de = twee = vier. En nog eentje om het af te leren: televisie = negen = vijf = vier.

De filosofie is dus gewoon simpelweg het aantal letters tellen van het woord en dan weer het aantal
letters van het telwoord en mocht dat een vier zijn dan nog maals het aantal letters van dat telwoord
totdat je uiteindelijk op vier uitkomt!

Het getal 4 is daarmee een singulariteit voor het complete woordenboek! (Eigenlijk is het ieder telwoord dat gewoon wordt gereduceerd tot het getal 4)

dit qbasic programmaatje laat dat zien (voor nederlandse teksten):
INPUT "overestimation for the amount of words"; N
M$ = CHR$(34)
F$ = "C:\...\...\.."
PRINT "the syntaxis of the path must be written like:"; M$ + F$ + M$
INPUT "path to textfile"; path$
DIM W$(N), W(N)
A$ = " " + RR$ + " "
lengte = LEN(A$)
b$ = " "
FOR b = 2 TO lengte
s = INSTR(b - 1, A$, b$)
s1 = INSTR(b, A$, b$)
IF s < s1 THEN
x = x + 1
lengte = s1 - s
G$ = MID$(A$, s, lengte)
IF RIGHT$(G$, 1) = ";" THEN G$ = LEFT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
IF RIGHT$(G$, 1) = "," THEN G$ = LEFT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
IF RIGHT$(G$, 1) = "." THEN G$ = LEFT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
IF RIGHT$(G$, 1) = ":" THEN G$ = LEFT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
IF RIGHT$(G$, 1) = "?" THEN G$ = LEFT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
IF RIGHT$(G$, 1) = "!" THEN G$ = LEFT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
IF RIGHT$(G$, 1) = ")" THEN G$ = LEFT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
IF LEFT$(G$, 1) = "(" THEN G$ = RIGHT$(G$, LEN(G$) - 1)
UL = LEN(G$) - 1
FOR mm = 1 TO 50
READ num$
IF mm = UL THEN WW$ = num$
PRINT x, G$, WW$, UL
IF UL <> 4 THEN GOTO begin
W$(x) = G$

DATA een,twee,drie,vier,vijf,zes,zeven,acht,negen,tien,elf,twaalf,dertien
DATA veertien,vijftien,zestien,zeventien,achttien,negentien,twintig
DATA eenentwintig,tweeentwintig,drieentwintig,vierentwintig,vijfentwintig
DATA zesentwintig,zevenentwintig,achtentwintig,negenentwintig,dertig
DATA eenendertig,tweeendertig,drieendertig,vierendertig,vijfendertig
DATA zesendertig,zevenendertig,achtendertig,negenendertig,veertig
DATA eenenveertig,tweeenveertig,drieenveertig,vierenveertig,vijfenveertig
DATA zesenveertig,zevenenveertig,achtenveertig,negenenveertig,vijftig

(paste and copy)

Het blijkt dat de meeste woorden al in een stap op het gewenste resultaat uitkomen.
In 4 stappen komt maar zelden voor, maar dit zegt alleen maar iets over de lengte van de woorden.


We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like? --Jean Cocteau

demandmedia || The Fourth World War 690MB.AVI

From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war.

maandag 4 oktober 2004

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. --Napoleon Bonaparte

Ox's Natural Mosquito Repellant Synthesized in Lab


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Lets remember this little flyingmachine, especially today, for its resistent, robust and adaptation skills. A creature of God to make us listen to nature. His wonderous way to tell us that nature ALWAYS will survive ANY interference. This buzzing creature will outlive any human vegetarian.
Hmmm, what about cockroaches?

zondag 3 oktober 2004

No emancipation without that of society.

Feral Children - isolated, confined wild and wolf children
Feral children, also known as wild children or wolf children, are children who've grown up with minimal human contact, or even none at all. They may have been raised by animals (often wolves) or somehow survived on their own. In some cases, children are confined and denied normal social interaction with other people.
much like drinking beer on your own


today on dutch TV: Animal Farm (1999); read the goddam book.
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal then others.
A satire on the russian revolution.
or any revolution, like the vegetarian revolution?
All plants are equal but...Robert plant sings better.
Animal meat is less expensive then surrogate meat!
How about human friendly food?
Is cannibalism a bad idea?
Most we purify or enhance our consumption?
All consumers are equal but...some have to accept cuts in their wages.
All production is messing with nature but some production...leads to war.
And fried chicken should grow on trees!
And beer should come in rivers!
All activism is equal but some activism ...
Only possible in never-neverland.