woensdag 4 december 2013

Vrachtwagen 'zeer gevaarlijk' radioactief materiaal gestolen - Nieuws - VK

Vrachtwagen 'zeer gevaarlijk' radioactief materiaal gestolen - Nieuws - VK: "Een vrachtwagen met mogelijk 'extreem gevaarlijk' radioactief materiaal is gestolen in Mexico.
De vrachtwagen werd gestolen in Tepojaco, een stadje in de buurt van Mexico-Stad. De lading bevatte radioactief materiaal van het type kobalt-60.
Kobalt-60 kan niet worden gebruikt bij de vervaardiging van een conventioneel nucleair wapen, maar kan eventueel verwerkt worden in een 'vuile bom', waarbij 'normale' explosieven worden gebruikt om straling te verspreiden. Zo'n vuile bom vormt, omdat het moeilijker is om te vinden en makkelijker te produceren, een grotere bedreiging dan een atoombom, vermoeden deskundigen.

'via Blog this'

And so it begins, at 20 bitcoins.

NCIS (2003 TV Series)
Episode: Masquerade (2010)
Marine Lance Corporal Roman Vega calls his kid brother Alfonso to run for his life while his car explodes during a chase on TV. The car is radioactive from transporting cobalt that could be used for a 'dirty bomb'. A secret agent links Roman to Peruvian terrorist organization Libertad Nueva. Autopsy concludes the corpse is that of Marine John Ross. Lawyer Margaret Allison Hart takes Alfonso's defense, just to cross Gibbs.

NCIS: Los Angeles (2009 TV Series)
Episode: Greed (2011)
NCIS is charged with investigating the killing near the Mexican border of soldiers Paul Green and Brandon Chase, who smuggled a heavy, missing box. It appears to have contained gold from Qatar or drugs, as their killers belonged to a Mexican heroin cartel. Ultimately it turns out to be a nightmare in its own, enough uranium for a dirty bomb or other nuclear terrorism, ordered by Al Qaida-affiliates, as investigated in Sudan by CIA agent Michael Saleh, Sam's secret other job. But what's the L.A. target, about to be hit hard?

Numb3rs (2005 TV Series)
Episode: Dirty Bomb (2005)
A truck with enough weapon-grade cesium for a 'dirty' nuclear bomb is stolen. Shortly after a huge ransom is demanded. Charlie accepts his college physics professor friend Dr. Larry Fleinhardt's help and after the beans were accidentally spilled planologist dad Epp's. The fiends however detonate a regular bomb early, as turns out as a distraction to rob the leading art restoration firm's vault. After police work leads to the rogue truck driver and his accomplices, Charlie uses to probability calculus to induce collaboration so the cesium, which is leaking fast, can be recuperated.

wait, there is more...
And the public goes wild.
