maandag 23 augustus 2010
Ferg’s “Playge Rat” 12″ Figure (Onsale Info)
Ferg’s “Playge Rat” 12″ Figure (Onsale Info): "
Man, Ferg getting into the 12″ figure game is really going to hurt my wallet, this thing rules. The first version of his “Playge Rat” is 12″ tall, includes a ton of accessories, has a push-button action-tongue, was made in an edition of 150, and will be $140 shipped worldwide. It goes up today (Monday, August 23rd) at 12pm Central Time. Visit

Man, Ferg getting into the 12″ figure game is really going to hurt my wallet, this thing rules. The first version of his “Playge Rat” is 12″ tall, includes a ton of accessories, has a push-button action-tongue, was made in an edition of 150, and will be $140 shipped worldwide. It goes up today (Monday, August 23rd) at 12pm Central Time. Visit
donderdag 12 augustus 2010
Scientists Develop Brain-Microchip Bridge
Scientists Develop Brain-Microchip Bridge: "dreampod writes 'Canadian scientists have developed a microchip capable of monitoring the electrical and chemical communication channels between individual neurons. This is the first time scientists have been able to monitor the interaction between brain cells on such a precise and subtle level. In addition to providing the ability to see more easily the impact of drugs on various mental disorders during testing, this provides one of the first fundamental steps towards real mind-machine interface.'

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
woensdag 11 augustus 2010
Japan takes vending machines to their logical, 47-inch touchscreen extreme
Japan takes vending machines to their logical, 47-inch touchscreen extreme: "
Time for us to admit another entrant into the hall of unnecessary, but cool inventions. Installed at Tokyo's Shinagawa Station yesterday, this latest spin on the vending machine dispenses with those silly windows unto what you're buying and furnishes its user with a 47-inch touch panel from which to make his (or her) selection. An embedded camera will recognize your gender and age, allowing the machine to recommend a beverage suitable to whatever stereotype is attached to your particular circumstances. And don't worry, it'll store your purchasing history too, so you can be freaked out by tailored ads every time you use it. 500 more of these WiMAX-equipped units are planned to be installed in and around Tokyo over the next two years, with operating company JR East expecting them to tally up 30 percent more sales than their analog brethren. More bling equals higher revenue? Sounds about right.
[Thanks, Kyle]
Nikkei, Impress | Email this | Comments"
Time for us to admit another entrant into the hall of unnecessary, but cool inventions. Installed at Tokyo's Shinagawa Station yesterday, this latest spin on the vending machine dispenses with those silly windows unto what you're buying and furnishes its user with a 47-inch touch panel from which to make his (or her) selection. An embedded camera will recognize your gender and age, allowing the machine to recommend a beverage suitable to whatever stereotype is attached to your particular circumstances. And don't worry, it'll store your purchasing history too, so you can be freaked out by tailored ads every time you use it. 500 more of these WiMAX-equipped units are planned to be installed in and around Tokyo over the next two years, with operating company JR East expecting them to tally up 30 percent more sales than their analog brethren. More bling equals higher revenue? Sounds about right.
[Thanks, Kyle]
Japan takes vending machines to their logical, 47-inch touchscreen extreme originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 11 Aug 2010 03:22:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalink | dinsdag 10 augustus 2010
Google CEO Schmidt: "People Aren't Ready for the Technology Revolution"
Google CEO Schmidt: "People Aren't Ready for the Technology Revolution": "
Eric Schmidt spoke at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe today and dropped some serious rhetorical bombs. 'There was 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003,' Schmidt said, 'but that much information is now created every 2 days, and the pace is increasing...People aren't ready for the technology revolution that's going to happen to them.'
The Techonomy conference is a gathering of people from around the globe seeking to use technology to solve the world's big problems. Schmidt spoke there today and said that people need to get ready for major technology disruption, fast.
The bulk of what's contributing to this explosion of data, Schmidt says, is user generated content. From that content, far more prediction than we've seen today is possible and will be a factor in the future.
In addition to predicting personal behavior, diseases and other crises will become predictable as well, Schmidt said.
On the misuse of information for criminal or anti-social purposes:
'The only way to manage this is true transparency and no anonymity. In a world of asynchronous threats, it is too dangerous for there not to be some way to identify you. We need a [verified] name service for people. Governments will demand it.'
How's that all sound to you? Realistic? Frightening? A combination of both?
The upside? 'In our lifetimes,' Schmidt says, 'we'll go from a small number of people having access to information, to 5 billion people having all the world's knowledge in their native language.' That is truly incredible.
But in a loss of privacy, in the hyper-proliferation of predictive technologies, is there a cost in terms of free will? Maybe not, but it certainly seems an appropriate subject of debate.
The Techonomy conference is a gathering of people from around the globe seeking to use technology to solve the world's big problems. Schmidt spoke there today and said that people need to get ready for major technology disruption, fast.
The bulk of what's contributing to this explosion of data, Schmidt says, is user generated content. From that content, far more prediction than we've seen today is possible and will be a factor in the future.
'If I look at enough of your messaging and your location, and use Artificial Intelligence,' Schmidt said, 'we can predict where you are going to go.'
'If I look at enough of your messaging and your location, and use Artificial Intelligence,' Schmidt said, 'we can predict where you are going to go.''Show us 14 photos of yourself and we can identify who you are. You think you don't have 14 photos of yourself on the internet? You've got Facebook photos! People will find it's very useful to have devices that remember what you want to do, because you forgot...But society isn't ready for questions that will be raised as result of user-generated content.'
In addition to predicting personal behavior, diseases and other crises will become predictable as well, Schmidt said.
On the misuse of information for criminal or anti-social purposes:
'The only way to manage this is true transparency and no anonymity. In a world of asynchronous threats, it is too dangerous for there not to be some way to identify you. We need a [verified] name service for people. Governments will demand it.'
How's that all sound to you? Realistic? Frightening? A combination of both?
The upside? 'In our lifetimes,' Schmidt says, 'we'll go from a small number of people having access to information, to 5 billion people having all the world's knowledge in their native language.' That is truly incredible.
But in a loss of privacy, in the hyper-proliferation of predictive technologies, is there a cost in terms of free will? Maybe not, but it certainly seems an appropriate subject of debate.
y-cruncher - A Multi-Threaded Pi Program
y-cruncher - A Multi-Threaded Pi Program
to crunch Pi or Golden ratio or whatever, to an unlimited number of digits. If you have the time and PC power.
It worked on my PC:
Validation Version: 1.1
Program: y-cruncher - Gamma to the eXtReMe!!! ( )
Copyright 2008-2010 Alexander J. Yee ( )
User: None Specified - You can edit this in "Username.txt".
Processor(s): AMD Phenom(tm) 9500 Quad-Core Processor
Logical Cores: 4
Physical Memory: 3,218,882,560 bytes ( 3.00 GB )
CPU Frequency: 2,210,661,044 Hz
Program Version: 0.5.4 Build 9148 (fix 1) (x86 SSE3 - Windows)
Constant: Pi
Algorithm: Chudnovsky Formula
Decimal Digits: 50,000,000
Hexadecimal Digits: 41,524,102
Threading Mode: 4 threads
Computation Mode: Ram Only
Swap Disks: 0
Working Memory: 288 MB
Start Date: Tue Aug 10 15:08:04 2010
End Date: Tue Aug 10 15:09:16 2010
Computation Time: 61.509 seconds
Total Time: 71.733 seconds
CPU Utilization: 337.46 %
Multi-core Efficiency: 84.36 %
Last Digits:
4127897300 0153683630 8346732220 0943329365 1632962502 : 49,999,950
5130045796 0464561703 2424263071 4554183801 7945652654 : 50,000,000
Timer Sanity Check: Passed
Frequency Sanity Check: Passed
ECC Recovered Errors: 0
Checkpoint From: None
Checksum: 6ec406fb55c3126c1aba4e79319bdeb37d28aac9e478b4c110a5bf3bee36cd4d
to crunch Pi or Golden ratio or whatever, to an unlimited number of digits. If you have the time and PC power.
It worked on my PC:
Validation Version: 1.1
Program: y-cruncher - Gamma to the eXtReMe!!! ( )
Copyright 2008-2010 Alexander J. Yee ( )
User: None Specified - You can edit this in "Username.txt".
Processor(s): AMD Phenom(tm) 9500 Quad-Core Processor
Logical Cores: 4
Physical Memory: 3,218,882,560 bytes ( 3.00 GB )
CPU Frequency: 2,210,661,044 Hz
Program Version: 0.5.4 Build 9148 (fix 1) (x86 SSE3 - Windows)
Constant: Pi
Algorithm: Chudnovsky Formula
Decimal Digits: 50,000,000
Hexadecimal Digits: 41,524,102
Threading Mode: 4 threads
Computation Mode: Ram Only
Swap Disks: 0
Working Memory: 288 MB
Start Date: Tue Aug 10 15:08:04 2010
End Date: Tue Aug 10 15:09:16 2010
Computation Time: 61.509 seconds
Total Time: 71.733 seconds
CPU Utilization: 337.46 %
Multi-core Efficiency: 84.36 %
Last Digits:
4127897300 0153683630 8346732220 0943329365 1632962502 : 49,999,950
5130045796 0464561703 2424263071 4554183801 7945652654 : 50,000,000
Timer Sanity Check: Passed
Frequency Sanity Check: Passed
ECC Recovered Errors: 0
Checkpoint From: None
Checksum: 6ec406fb55c3126c1aba4e79319bdeb37d28aac9e478b4c110a5bf3bee36cd4d
China To Build Ginormous Buses That Cars Can Drive Under
China To Build Ginormous Buses That Cars Can Drive Under: "
This cunning project by Shenzhen Huashi Future Car-Parking Equipment actually makes sense.
The idea is to make use of the space between regular-size cars and bridges, thus saving construction costs as well as minimizing congestion impact by allowing cars to drive underneath these jumbo buses. Enjoy the Chinese demo video accompanying the article.

This cunning project by Shenzhen Huashi Future Car-Parking Equipment actually makes sense.
The idea is to make use of the space between regular-size cars and bridges, thus saving construction costs as well as minimizing congestion impact by allowing cars to drive underneath these jumbo buses. Enjoy the Chinese demo video accompanying the article.
'Priceless collection' in Russia was never registered so is therefore worthless and does not officially exist, say developers
'Priceless collection' in Russia was never registered so is therefore worthless and does not officially exist, say developers: "In 1926, Nikolai Vavilov founded the world's first modern seedbank, and amassed a collection which today contains over 90% unique varieties of plant, contained in no other collection in existence. For his opposition to Lysenkoism he died in prison, and several of his colleagues famously starved to death instead of eating their specimens during the Siege of Leningrad. Now the Pavlovsk seedbank facility has been seized by the Federal Agency for Public Estate Management, and pending a court ruling will be demolished - contents and all - to build a housing development. The collection cannot be moved in time because it is a working seedbank of living plants.
maandag 9 augustus 2010
rocket powered helicopter
One of the more, um, unusual designs to emerge in the ongoing pursuit of personal flying machines combines two awesome ideas we don’t see often enough: Rocket and helicopter.
As menacing as the combination might sound, the Dragonfly is rather tame. It’s super-simple to fly and uses two small but powerful hydrogen peroxide motors mounted at the tips of the rotor. The engines are small, just 8 inches long 1.5 pounds apiece. But don’t be fooled by their diminutive size. This baby will top out at 100 knots if you’re really pushing it.
“Each engine is equivalent to 102 horsepower,” says Ricardo Cavalcanti, the man marketing the latest iteration of an idea that’s been bouncing around since the 1950s. “So 204 horsepower to move a unit that is only 230 pounds.”
And the exhaust? Water vapor.
As menacing as the combination might sound, the Dragonfly is rather tame. It’s super-simple to fly and uses two small but powerful hydrogen peroxide motors mounted at the tips of the rotor. The engines are small, just 8 inches long 1.5 pounds apiece. But don’t be fooled by their diminutive size. This baby will top out at 100 knots if you’re really pushing it.
“Each engine is equivalent to 102 horsepower,” says Ricardo Cavalcanti, the man marketing the latest iteration of an idea that’s been bouncing around since the 1950s. “So 204 horsepower to move a unit that is only 230 pounds.”
And the exhaust? Water vapor.
big bang never happened
according to Eric J Lerner in 1991 and Wen-Yi Shu on juli 2010 and Horava in august 2010
Do these people know each-other? I ask myself.
Do these people know each-other? I ask myself.
zondag 8 augustus 2010
'Gemodificeerde planten vestigen zich in het wild' | | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op
'Gemodificeerde planten vestigen zich in het wild' | | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op "AMSTERDAM – Genetisch gemodificeerde koolzaadplanten hebben zich in de Amerikaanse staat Noord-Dakota waarschijnlijk blijvend gevestigd in het wild. Dat melden wetenschappers in een nieuwe studie.
Uit onderzoek van de Universiteit van Arkansas blijkt dat ongeveer 80 procent van alle wilde koolzaadplanten in Noord-Dakota gemodificeerde genen bevatten.
De gemodificeerde planten zijn beter bestand tegen ziektes, droogte en bestrijdingsmiddelen dan ongemodificeerde koolzaadplanten en kunnen daardoor gemakkelijker overleven. Het gevaar voor het ontstaan van een ‘superonkruid’ is volgens de onderzoekers dan ook groot."
Uit onderzoek van de Universiteit van Arkansas blijkt dat ongeveer 80 procent van alle wilde koolzaadplanten in Noord-Dakota gemodificeerde genen bevatten.
De gemodificeerde planten zijn beter bestand tegen ziektes, droogte en bestrijdingsmiddelen dan ongemodificeerde koolzaadplanten en kunnen daardoor gemakkelijker overleven. Het gevaar voor het ontstaan van een ‘superonkruid’ is volgens de onderzoekers dan ook groot."
zaterdag 7 augustus 2010
Paleo-Future - Paleo-Future Blog
Paleo-Future - Paleo-Future Blog
Een blog die toekomstvoorspelling of futurisme uit het verleden verzamelt. Van 1870 tot gisteren om precies te zijn.
Mooie collectie, zeker de moeite waard. Vooral als je van referentie-sites houdt.
Een blog die toekomstvoorspelling of futurisme uit het verleden verzamelt. Van 1870 tot gisteren om precies te zijn.
Mooie collectie, zeker de moeite waard. Vooral als je van referentie-sites houdt.
donderdag 5 augustus 2010
Innocent glasses transform into GPS-equipped routing mechanism... on video!
Innocent glasses transform into GPS-equipped routing mechanism... on video!: "
The Powers That Be may think that they're pulling the wool over our eyes, but we can see the planned fate unfolding in front of us. Before long, our arms will be effectively useless -- after all, once you can game and navigate with just your face, why bother pumping iron and keeping those biceps toned? Over at Wireless Japan 2010, the Nakajima Laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications showcased a prototype that helps explain the latter. Dubbed a Wearable Personal Navigation System, this GPS-infused pair of glasses has integrated LEDs in the frame that wearers can see in their periphery; there's also a magnetic direction sensor, which detects the orientation of the user's head. Once you point your face in a given direction, the LEDs change color to let you know which way you need to head in order to walk, sprint or gallop to your destination. It's hard to tell how long we'll have to wait before we see these on Pearle Vision's Buy 1 Get 1 rack, but the video after the break ain't making it any easier to wait.
Continue reading Innocent glasses transform into GPS-equipped routing mechanism... on video!
Slashgear |
DigInfo | Email this | Comments"
De veranderingen gaan ook zo snel, het is gewoon niet meer bij te houden
The Powers That Be may think that they're pulling the wool over our eyes, but we can see the planned fate unfolding in front of us. Before long, our arms will be effectively useless -- after all, once you can game and navigate with just your face, why bother pumping iron and keeping those biceps toned? Over at Wireless Japan 2010, the Nakajima Laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications showcased a prototype that helps explain the latter. Dubbed a Wearable Personal Navigation System, this GPS-infused pair of glasses has integrated LEDs in the frame that wearers can see in their periphery; there's also a magnetic direction sensor, which detects the orientation of the user's head. Once you point your face in a given direction, the LEDs change color to let you know which way you need to head in order to walk, sprint or gallop to your destination. It's hard to tell how long we'll have to wait before we see these on Pearle Vision's Buy 1 Get 1 rack, but the video after the break ain't making it any easier to wait.
Continue reading Innocent glasses transform into GPS-equipped routing mechanism... on video!
Innocent glasses transform into GPS-equipped routing mechanism... on video! originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 05 Aug 2010 06:47:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalink De veranderingen gaan ook zo snel, het is gewoon niet meer bij te houden
Hersens sturen kunstmatige arm | Faqt: Weten Begrijpen Verbazen
Hersens sturen kunstmatige arm | Faqt: Weten Begrijpen Verbazen: "De eerste door de hersens aangestuurde kunstmatige arm is klaar. Binnen een paar jaar moet deze geamputeerde ledematen vervangen.
Wie twee armen en benen heeft, doet het dagelijks duizenden keren zonder er bij na te denken: bewegen. Je hersens sturen een seintje naar je vingers om je telefoon op te pakken, of om te krabben waar het jeukt. Allemaal automatisch, zonder dat je er bewust mee bezig bent."
Wow, en mijn zus kan al 42 jaar niet uit de rolstoel!
Wie twee armen en benen heeft, doet het dagelijks duizenden keren zonder er bij na te denken: bewegen. Je hersens sturen een seintje naar je vingers om je telefoon op te pakken, of om te krabben waar het jeukt. Allemaal automatisch, zonder dat je er bewust mee bezig bent."
Wow, en mijn zus kan al 42 jaar niet uit de rolstoel!
woensdag 4 augustus 2010
US Navy working to make drones laser-proof
US Navy working to make drones laser-proof: "
Danger Room | Email this | Comments"
No, you're not looking at a still from a purported UFO video. That's an unmanned drone that the US Navy recently shot down with a prototype laser weapon. While that test was a runaway success, it looks like the Navy is now already going the extra mile -- it's begun work on making its drones laser-proof to guard against such weapons eventually winding up in the wrong hands. That's still in the earliest stages, but the Navy has already recruited California-based Adsys Controls and Texas-based Nanohmics to work on the project, which will apparently allow drones to both spot laser weapons before they're fired and deploy countermeasures to avoid being tracked. Head on past the break to see what happens when a drone gets hit by one of the weapons.
Continue reading US Navy working to make drones laser-proofUS Navy working to make drones laser-proof originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 04 Aug 2010 08:46:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalink | dinsdag 3 augustus 2010
A site that merges old photoos on todays locations, using google maps and a timeline.
Obvious from 1840 till now. So your photoos of Napoleon or Ceasar Augustus are fake.
Great idea, needs more publicity.
Obvious from 1840 till now. So your photoos of Napoleon or Ceasar Augustus are fake.
Great idea, needs more publicity.
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