dinsdag 30 november 2010

┼Hoω tö βaρtιzε α Whorэ┼

┼Hoω tö βaρtιzε α Whorэ┼: "Tumblr_lcnygz3a971qzkgrmo1_500_large"

creepy tattoo

Media/Blogger Exaggeration of Forthcoming NASA Astrobiology News | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference

Media/Blogger Exaggeration of Forthcoming NASA Astrobiology News | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference: "followed by 'I'm obviously not the only one. It's available to journalists with access to embargoed EurekAlert content.'

An article by several of the individuals (Benner, Wolfe-Simon) who will be participating in the telecon can be found below. Is NASA's announcement related to NASA's announcement? Who knows."

So did they find germs from earth on mars?
of iets anders?

Has NASA discovered extraterrestrial life?

Has NASA discovered extraterrestrial life?: "So, if I had to guess at what NASA is going to reveal on Thursday, I'd say that they've discovered arsenic on Titan and maybe even detected chemical evidence of bacteria utilizing it for photosynthesis (by following the elements). Or something like that. (thx, sippey)

Update: According to Alexis Madrigal, the answer to the hyperbolic question in the headline is 'no'.

I'm sad to quell some of the @kottke-induced excitement about possible extraterrestrial life. I've seen the Science paper. It's not that."

pretty reckless


D I S O R D E R: "Tumblr_lc7krrpsxq1qbrczco1_500_large"

NASA - NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery; Science Journal Has Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2

NASA - NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery; Science Journal Has Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2

NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery; Science Journal Has Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2
WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe.

Just as I predicted in my email of 16 may 1999 12:05:25 + 0200
But who reads between the lines nowadays?

What you waiting for?

What you waiting for?: "Tumblr_lcmaaxf1b51qdktofo1_500_large"

the hedonistic guideline for the present generation

No hesitation, No delay

No hesitation, No delay: "Tumblr_lbwstlhlvh1qc4x7zo1_500_large"

yes, this could be a mistake

i-love-art: smooth: 


: "




Im getting the bazooka!

Im getting the bazooka!: "Tumblr_lclzl0htgy1qe0qyso1_500_large"


Untitled: "Tumblr_lcelk8mmyq1qdktofo1_400_large"

makes sense in a way

Blogue da Nonna

Blogue da Nonna: "Graph.php_-283x400_large"

male pig?

1956 Pontiac Club De Mer

1956 Pontiac Club De Mer: "

1956 Pontiac Club De Mer

this is like the batmobile!!


Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom?

Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom?: "

Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom - InformationIsBeautiful.net

Just a think-piece really.

(I was recently visiting the office of the awesome design website Swiss Miss. Over snacks, they asked me to christen their “lunch guest wall” with a scribble. Caught in the headlights and feeling the pressure to be clever and impressive, my mind, of course, went blank. Spotless white. All I had was a noodle in my notepad about the increasing organisational structure of information and how it might relate to visualization. It had been a *long* flight to NY.)

I got kinda stuck with it. So I wanted to open it up and see what you thought.

This is by no means original thought. This structure has been around for a while. (In fact does anyone knows who first came up with it?). The only new thing is relating it to visuals. And giving it a nice font.

One interesting thing. If you visualise information without designing it, you often end up with a mush or a meaningless thicket. So if you can only really ‘design’ information, rather than visualize it, then maybe the term ‘information visualization’ is a bit of a misnomer?

Anyway, how does it look to you? Does it seem logical? Truthful? Do the definitions ring true? What could be the word for the visual depiction of wisdom? Does greater verticality imply greater meaning? Or can errors creep in?

Look forward to your ideas, feedback and corrections!

Related Posts:


meaning: not all data is information, not all information is knowledge, not all knowledge is wisdom,
is that wisdom?


ELIOT LEE HAZEL Photography: "ELIOT LEE HAZEL Photography"

Boltzmann Brains: Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology

Boltzmann Brains: Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology: "In a metaverse that is larger than ours, random fluctuations of the size to create a universe such as our own will happen. Due to the size and number of particles in such a universe, these fluctuations will be exceedingly rare. The anthropic principal - the fact universes will only be observed when they are hospitable to observers - makes the amount of time between such fluctuations meaningless. These fluctuations could be happening every quadrillion years, or once every googolplex number of years. Fluctuations of a much smaller magnitude that simply create one fully formed brain for a brief amount of time should be happening with enormously higher frequency than universe-creating fluctuations. Such brains would be the smallest possible creations that would give rise to a sentient observer and are called Boltzmann Brains. The fact that such brains do not appear to exist is called the Boltzmann Brain Paradox."

maandag 29 november 2010

The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

How One Astronomer Became the Unofficial Exoplanet Record Keeper

astronomer Jean Schneider, maintainer of the online Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

Photograph of exoplanets A RARE FIND: Hundreds of exoplanets have now been discovered and catalogued, but the planets orbiting the star HR 8799 are among the few that have been directly imaged. Image: GEMINI OBSERVATORY/NRC/AURA/C. MAROIS ET AL

In the past several days a number of news articles have touted the passage of a tidy astronomical milestone—the discovery of the 500th known planet outside the solar system. In the past 15 years, the count of those extrasolar worlds, or exoplanets, has climbed through single digits into the dozens and then into the hundreds. The pace of discovery is now so rapid that the catalogue of identified planets leaped from 400 to 500 entries in just over a year.

But the astronomer who tends to the exoplanet community's go-to catalogue tempered excitement surrounding the 500th-planet milestone in interviews and in an e-mail to fellow researchers, advising caution in assigning too much precision to the tally. Jean Schneider, an astronomer at the Paris Observatory, has since 1995 maintained The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia, a modest-looking Web site that charts a wealth of data on known exoplanets as well as those that are unconfirmed or controversial.

Paris, je taime!

Paris, je taime!: "Tumblr_lcno8akfzn1qeci1qo1_500_large"

Sail away with me

Sail away with me: "Tumblr_lcctc5jlws1qc0y6zo1_500_large"

Oh No They Didn't! - Leslie Nielsen Has Passed Away

Oh No They Didn't! - Leslie Nielsen Has Passed Away: "Tumblr_l5j2r59kjs1qb8ugro1_500_large"

Иван Иванович Шишкин - русский художник-пейзажист, живописец, рисовальщик и гравер-аквафортист.

Иван Иванович Шишкин - русский художник-пейзажист, живописец, рисовальщик и гравер-аквафортист.: "Иван Иванович Шишкин - русский художник-пейзажист, живописец, рисовальщик и гравер-аквафортист."

Storm sign! | Bad Astronomy

Storm sign! | Bad Astronomy: "
This is why I don’t live in Montana:


I don’t want to live in a place where transdimensional spaceworms can appear in the sky and blast superheated steam straight down onto innocent earthlings.

Supercell photo be Sean Heavey for National Geographic; click to convectenate. Tip o’ the kevlar umbrella to Astropixie.


Geert Wilders fascist? De eeuwige terugkeer van het fascisme

Geert Wilders fascist? De eeuwige terugkeer van het fascisme: "In november 2010 kwam het boek 'De eeuwige terugkeer van het fascisme' van cultuurfilosoof Rob Riemen uit. Hij betoogt daarin dat de PVV van Geert Wil…"

ratak-monodosico: EXISTENTIALISM You never know when an...



You never know when an...
: "



You never know when an existential moment is going to strike you. Then you realize that you alone are responsible for choosing that life inside a cubical filled with hatred, despair and an overwhelming desire to toss your boss on an 8 foot thumb tack…
