zaterdag 9 maart 2013

inhumane silence

@loves end.
Not every couple is sympathetic to a polyamorous orientation (sic) apparently.
I got you every time immediately wrong or too late.
I never could prove myself, unless it was shitty, misplaced or profane empathy in your eyes.
While you retain me crazy from desire.
Your respons was always some cold silence, and I don't deserve such abusive reception.
As for your unashamed cruelty and full adamant I can only have a deep and repulsive respect. It where those qualities of you that have damaged me (and a lot of others I guess) the most. Yeah, you really made it, in treating people like pets.
I think it can be partially blamed on your looks, like I always do. I'm sorry if I annoyed you with my existence.
Get a life, love and better judgement.
Come back if you lost your ways in performance, appearance, presentation, success and money, at that point I can see again your real and talkative self.
But I guess to you I was just another asshole to humiliate for the wrong reason and mood.
And with these thoughts I am without love for you, and remember how easy it was not to hate you when I was still welcome while by your beauty the setting became a lost heaven and mocking lie and was by blindness set for disaster.
If then I am still sick over you: good-bye 4 ever.