Chinezen bevolkten Amerika:
Niet één, maar drie golven met volksverhuizers bevolkten Amerika voor de blanken. Daaronder moderne Chinezen."
The first, second, and third nations | Gene Expression:
By now you’ve probably
read about the paper which reports that
there seem to have been three waves of humans migrating into the New World prior to the arrival of Europeans.
major aspect of this result is that it does not emerge out of a vacuum,
but rather comes close to settling an old question in linguistics. The late Joseph Greenberg generated a series of
audacious phylogenies
of languages of the world. Greenberg’s attempts received mixed reviews.
It seems that there is little controversy about some of his
classifications of African languages, but linguists of American native
dialects rejected his division of the languages of the New World into
three broad families, Eskimo-Aleut, Na-Dene, and Amerind. Eskimo-Aleut
is rather self-evident. Na-Dene encompasses a group of languages in
northwest North America, along with some significant outliers such as
Amerind seems to roughly be a grab-bag of everything else. The
linguistic trichotomy also lent itself to a narrative of three
migrations. L. L. Cavalli-Sforza gave his support to Greenberg’s
framework in
The History and Geography of Human Genes, and it seems most non-linguists are particularly congenial ...