woude, 6
wilders in berlijn
erotisch kapitaal
idd frappant
Cast performed on Apr. 4, 2013 11:42:15 PM
Cast made at the beginning of a time interval of 1/1000th of a second.
Overview of cast:
Primary hexagram: Hsun (hexagram 41)
Trigrams: Ken over Tui
Archetype: Decrease
General meaning: Decrease, lessening. The symbol of diminution.
Secondary hexagram: Li (hexagram 10)
Trigrams: Chien over Tui
Archetype: Treading
General meaning: Treading carefully. The symbol of deliberate action.
As Hsun passes to Li, the following lines change:4,5
Ruling lines:
Ruling lines in primary hexagram: fifth
Ruling lines in secondary hexagram: fifth
Changing line summaries:
Fourth line changes from: If one decreases one's faults, it makes the other hasten to come and rejoice. No blame or mistake.
Fourth line changes to: Treading on the tiger's tail. Use breathless caution and circumspection; it lead ultimately to good fortune.
Fifth line changes from: Someone brings increase. The value of ten pairs of tortoise shells cannot prevail against it. Supreme good fortune.
Fifth line changes to: Tread resolutely. Persevere in the face of danger. The greater the leader is exalted, the farther he may fall.