zondag 11 oktober 2015

A Day in The Life of a Dictator (portrait of craziness in power) - Docum...

Very interesting doc. about a day in the life of 3 different dictators and their influence over their surroundings.
They all three had missed a father in childhood, like Bashar Al-Assad or even Geert Wilders or Vladmir Putin by the grace of WW2 when father couldn't be around. Even Kim-Jong-Un can be profiled without a father as he attended school in Switzerland in his childhood. Hell, even Barack Obama hadn't a father around in his childhood and Nelson Mandela spent years in jail preventing him to be a father to his children, like his own childhood was fatherless. Perhaps dictatorship in South-Africa is not to far away, if Winnie could prevent it. Now I think about it: even Jesus father was
invisible. And that makes joseph a simpleton and Maria the real founder of christianity and the first anatomical drawing of an uterus by leonardo da vinci the real mark of the end of the middle ages. How could people believe that an immaculate conception was possible when it wasn't nothing more then to cover up the cheating wife and real father of the child, a lie from Maria that resulted in a religion called christianity because her son Jesus was in complete denial of the broken marriage of his parents.
And all 3 dictators from the doc. have in common not to be christian of faith.