donderdag 5 augustus 2004

To err is human; to really foul things up requires a computer.

HappiTec Software Introduces PIMP 2.0
Prostitution Information Management Program™

A qbasic program shows the basics (its rather straightforward to be honest):
Time is the issue here.
Only when you go once for a halfhour in your whole life then the balance has found its equilibrium.
INPUT "price per hour"; ph
INPUT "price per halfhour"; phh
PRINT "money ratio"; ph / phh, "time ratio: 0.5"
INPUT "total time spent at hookervisits in halfhours"; thh
PRINT "for"; INT(thh / 2); "hours you would have paid:"; INT(thh / 2) * ph
PRINT "for"; thh; "halfhours you should have paid:"; thh * phh
PRINT "difference in money (the loss):"; (phh * thh) - (ph * INT(thh / 2))
PRINT "(for"; thh; "hours you could have paid:"; ph * thh; ")"
PRINT "you have better paid for"; INT(thh / 2); "hours:"; ph * INT(thh / 2)
PRINT "and"; thh MOD 2; "halfhours:"; phh * (thh MOD 2); "(unless you are the hooker)"
PRINT "this totals:"; ((ph * INT(thh / 2)) + (phh * (thh MOD 2)))
PRINT "short in money with the hookers greed:"; (phh * thh) - ((ph * INT(thh / 2)) + (phh * (thh MOD 2)))
Don't say I didn't warn you: love ain't for sale.