zondag 24 november 2013


LobbyPlag: "Currently the European Parliament is about to adopt a new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Over 3000 amendments were submitted in the comittees involved with the regulation, hundreds of pages in proposals by lobby organisations had their impact on this highly volatile process. LobbyPlag aims to make this whole process transparent and comprehensible. You can compare the lobbyists requests and the committee members proposals and learn which impact the changes would have on the protection of your data."

'via Blog this'

Eat your heart out, NSA.
Gelukkig vind onze premier privacy ook erg belangrijk:
24 okt: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/binnenland/rutte-wil-feiten-over-afluisteren-nsa-op-tafel
29 okt: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/politiek/rutte-afluisteren-door-nsa-volstrekt-onaanvaardbaar
23 nov: http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2013/11/23/rutte-reageren-op-berichten-over-nsa-doet-afbreuk-aan-onze-belangen/
vooral als de belangen van ons volk betreft, want dan ligt onze informatiepositie plots privacy gevoelig (al bij de NSA).