donderdag 30 september 2004

by lack of theme

Due to a lack of theme, I stop posting until a theme comes up.

dinsdag 28 september 2004

We shall see who I drag screaming to Hell with me - Dorn

Gazet van AntwerpenMicrogolf-gun 'kookt' huid.
Een stralenkanon dat ondraaglijke pijn veroorzaakt. Met dat nieuwe wapen zal het Amerikaanse leger vanaf juli volgend jaar opstandige meutes in Iraakse steden uiteendrijven. De Amerikaanse troepen in Irak krijgen vier tot zes mobiele energiewapens, schreef het militaire dagblad Stars and Stripes onlangs.

Be Alert. The world needs more Lerts!

Yahoo! News - Huge Asteroid to Fly Past Earth Wednesday: ..."On Wednesday, Sept. 29 it will be within a million miles of Earth, or about four times the distance to the Moon."...
by Toutatis

Jesus Saves... By shopping at Zellers!

The New York Times > Science > Solving a Riddle Written in Silver

All that glitters has a high refractive index.

goodbye romaniaWARNING- by visiting this site you will destroy it. Each visit will remove one pixel from these photographs.

2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 rights make a left. Willem ontkent. En de Angels zijn een motorclub!

G=Guns, PG=Plenty of Guns, PG-13=More than 12 guns...

JEFTEL WEBSITE 100% secure, safe, spamfree emailservice for 37,- euro.

maandag 27 september 2004

I'm just beside myself with schizophrenia!

Psychoceramics....The Study of Crackpots

AndrewBennet1308 Blog a blog on marriage counseling, only....

Do not merely believe in miracles, rely on them.

Welcome to XasaMail
2 Gigs of free webmailspace.

What good is money if you can't inspire terror in your fellow man?

PRESS RELEASE: Presidential Candidate John Joseph Kennedy Breaks the Code on Hurricane Jeanne, Hurricane Ivan, Hurricane Charley and the Horrendous Onslaught of Hurricanes Destroying the Islands, Coastal United States, Especially Florida and the Oceans
...."I have been tracking the hurricanes this past season with keen interest. I have been privy to intelligence from the highest sources and the American Red Cross, thus confirming my suspicions; these hurricanes are all man-made by the Bush family and I intend to hold the entire Bush Family Administration criminally, financially and morally responsible for the cruelest assault on humankind and our environment once I become President. To manipulate God's natural order of life is the highest crime against the very laws of nature." Kennedy said.....

Don't get mad. Get even! - Aerosmith

BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | China leaders warn of corruption
"We must develop a stronger sense of crisis, draw experience and lessons from the success and failure of other ruling parties in the world and enhance our governance capability in a more earnest and conscientious manner," the report said.
"Some leading party members don't have a strong sense of responsibility, personal integrity, a down-to-earth style of work or a close connection with the general public," it said.
So let 10,000 flowers bloom when we -the communistic party- purify the nation

zaterdag 25 september 2004

Advice is free: The right answer will cost plenty.

Microsoft: To secure IE, upgrade to XP | CNET
If you're one of about 200 million people using older versions of Windows and you want the latest security enhancements to Internet Explorer, get your credit card ready.

Microsoft this week reiterated that it would keep the new version of Microsoft's IE Web browser available only as part of the recently released Windows XP operating system, Service Pack 2. The upgrade to XP from any previous Windows versions is $99 when ordered from Microsoft.

In Paranoia We Trust | 'BVD misleidde China met maoistische partij'
BVD blijkt maoistische partij te zijn geweest!

That was Zen; this is Tao - Peter da Silva

Site Meter - Counter and Statistics Tracker Strangest searchterm I have ever seen (click referring URL). And directed to my site. Any tips?

The more things change, the more they stay insane.

ABVAKABO FNV /start reisadvies voor de 2 oktober manifestatie in Amsterdam

Live now -- procrastinate tomorrow!

The New York Times > National > Stubborn Storm Hangs On in Busy Hurricane Season Storms Ivan and Jeanne are revived!

vrijdag 24 september 2004

Pick a're going through it.

Ananova - Germans may need licence to watch TV on computers

Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.

A time-lapse movie of a drive from LA to NYC.

blog of the day

Sarong Party Girl
This girl knows how to write about (imagined) sex, only I never fully understood sexual relations as she never quit got a grasp of non-sexual relationships.
Great blog to read, but explaining every male failure with: he hadn't enough sex; seems to me clarifying emptyness with nothingness.
Its all about what men like to hear (from a singapore model).

I like work. I can sit and watch it for hours!

Noorderlicht Nieuws::Winnaars Visualization Challenge 2004
Sommige wetenschappelijke afbeeldingen brengen niet alleen informatie over, maar zijn ook onweerstaanbaar mooi. Bijgaand enkele winnaars van de jaarlijkse International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge, uitgeschreven door het Amerikaanse tijdschrift Science en de National Science Foundation.

Windows - The colorful clown suit for DOS

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-028: Buffer Overrun in JPEG Processing (GDI ) Could Allow Code Execution (833987)

donderdag 23 september 2004

Life's not passing me's running me over! | Andre Hazes overleden (video)
Goh, wat een mooi leven: alcoholmisbruik, allerlei baantjes, suikerziekte, zijn voorliefde is blues/rock en roll maar iedereen kent hem van het levenslied waarvan die gruwde, en waarschijnlijk zat hij de hele dag in de kroeg zoals iedere zichzelf respecterende artiest, waar hij te dronken is geweest om het allemaal te beseffen en totaal nooit heeft kunnen kiezen, nooit een nummer 1 hit heeft gehad an 2 kinderen nalaat, echt een smartlap hoor.

In God we trust. All others must use the callback verifier.

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Hubble's deepest shot is a puzzle

You don't buy beer, you rent it...

Buy Me a Beer by SMS

Contents may have settled out of court.

RSS Digest : Show RSS (or Atom!) on any Web page with no coding or software installation needed

blog of the day

resonantones an Art blog

DOS of Borg: "Command or filename irrelevant."

SECOM's Robocop :: TechJapan :: English news on technology from Japan: "....Speaking of prices, this robot won't be just 'sold' and have to be maintained; the system will be rented for around 300,000 yen per month. According to Socom, this is low compared to the 600,000 or 700,000 yen it costs to employ a person for a month. As there are currently 15,000 security personnel nationwide, 500 robots will be produced in the first year......"

So that's where my job went

A dyslexic agnostic doesn't believe in Dog.

Scientific In Nicaragua, a Language Is Born
Many linguists regard Nicaraguan Sign Language, or NSL, as an important test case, because the language developed almost in isolation, and the first "speakers" are still alive. Until the government opened a school for the deaf in 1977, deaf children in Nicaragua had been socially isolated. The students had little exposure to written language, and the school did not teach signing. Instead, the children invented the language largely on their own, with each generation building on what they learned from preceding students.

Scattered showers my *ass*! - Noah

Science Blog - Cold Sugar in Space Provides Clue to the Molecular Origin of Life: Astronomers have discovered a frigid reservoir of simple sugar molecules in a cloud of gas and dust some 26,000 light-years away, near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The discovery suggests how the molecular building blocks necessary for the creation of life could first form in interstellar space. The astronomers detected the 8-atom sugar molecule glycolaldehyde in a gas-and-dust cloud called Sagittarius B2. Such clouds, often many light-years across, are the raw material from which new stars and planets are formed.
......Glycoaldehyde is composed of 2 carbon atoms, 2 oxygen atoms and 4 hydrogen atoms and is called a 2-carbon sugar. Glycolaldehyde can react with a 3-carbon sugar to produce a 5-carbon sugar called ribose. Ribose molecules form the backbone structure of the molecules DNA and RNA, which carry the genetic code of living organisms.....

No, dear - smoke is SUPPOSED to come out...

Genesis : Search for Origins | JPL | NASA
Science blog - What Genesis Solar Particles Can tell Us

Oh, I'm sorry...were the voices in my head bothering you?

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | The deafening sound of the seas
The world's oceans are now so saturated with noise that whales and other marine mammals are dying, biologists say.

dinsdag 21 september 2004

Have you hugged an electric fence today?

...a blog concerning personal injury lawyers, only...

Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up.

Kreeg ik vandaag ook in de brievenbus.
En dat willen ze op dezelfde dag als de landelijke staking?
Expres zo gepland door het CWI.
Ze -de werklozen- mogen ook kiezen ja, HAHAHAHA
Zo doet het CWI het nou iedere keer. Zolang als ik me herinner.
(Dit wou ik toch ooit eens gezegd hebben!!)

Droopy of Borg - "You know what? You're about to be assimilated."

Mark Lyon's GMail Loader (GML) - Import Your Mail into GMail

I'm fascinated by the way memory diffuses fact.

Science Blog - World's most powerful MRI for decoding the human brain
The University of Illinois at Chicago unveiled today the world's most powerful magnetic resonance imaging machine for human studies, capable of imaging not just the anatomy but metabolism within the brain. This advanced technology ushers in a new age of metabolic imaging that will help researchers understand the workings of the human brain, detect diseases before their clinical signs appear, develop targeted drug therapies for illnesses like stroke and provide a better understanding of learning disabilities.

Cheops' Law:Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Beagle mission 'poorly managed'
...Professor Southwood said it was possible that:

* Beagle entered an atmosphere that was thinner than expected, causing the probe to approach the surface too fast;
* the probe's parachute or cushioning airbags failed to deploy or deployed at the wrong time;
* Beagle's backshell or heatshield tangled with the parachute preventing it from opening properly;
* Beagle became wrapped up in its airbags or parachute on the surface and could not open.

However, the Esa official said any number of scenarios could be postulated.

maandag 20 september 2004

"Rape the horses and ride off on the women!"

Tomaz Salamun

Tomaz Salamun poezie:


Mijn God is een wreed geel insect dat zich vestigt waar het wenst. Clown! Ik val niet meer voor jouw trucs ! Mijn God is een duizendtal flitsen in een enkel klontje suiker. Nu dompel ik......."

Mijn god is een wreed geel insect,
hij nestelt zich waar hij wil.
Clown! Ik zal geen van je trucs meer
volgen! Mijn god is duizend flitsen in één

een enkel stukje suiker. Nu verdrink ik het in
koffie in je kasteel, net zoals
je twee kinderen voorbestemd zijn om te zijn, Katharina Trask.
De suiker verdwijnt, ik verdwijn. Ik veeg mijn

voorhoofd af. De gasten staren naar me en
vragen me of ik gek ben. Ik word gek.
Ik word al getransporteerd in de vlam van andermans ogen.
in de stalen, fluwelen pupillen van John

Dilga. Elke hap van zijn brood is
een storm. Ik zal buigen als een brug.
Ik zal deze grap verdragen. Waar zijn jullie, jullie
kleine wezens? Ik zal jullie opsluiten in een bijenkorf.

Insecten! Insecten! Gestreepte geurende
machines! Blijf waar je
was, vriend. Dwaal niet rond
de afgrond van mijn rechten-menselijke vezels.

blog of the day

Death, is only the beginning... A blog of someone who'm seemed to have faced death

'You CAN trust the government...ask an Indian.'

film: der Untergang
Keine Diskussion: "Ministerpräsident Georg Milbradt (CDU), Thomas Jurk (SPD), Peter Porsch (PDS), Antje Hermenau (Grüne) und Holger Zastrow (FDP) boykottierten die Sendungen, als NPD-Landeschef Holger Apfel bei beiden Auftritten sagte: 'Das war ein großartiger Tag für alle Deutschen, die noch deutsch sein wollen.'

Nach der ARD-Hochrechnung von etwa 20.00 Uhr lag die SPD nur hauchdünn vor der erstmals seit 36 Jahren wieder in ein Landesparlament eingezogene NPD. Vor dem sächsischen Landtag demonstrierten rund 150 Menschen spontan, um Widerstand gegen Rechts zu signalisieren. Auf Plakaten waren zu lesen: 'Touristen statt Nazis' und 'Nazis nehmen uns Arbeitsplätze weg'. Apfel war bereits auf dem Weg in den Landtag mit lauten Buh-Rufen empfangen worden. "

You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think

:: Xinhuanet - English ::Hu Jintao calls for rule of law...Hu Jintao reaffirmed the need to improve the socialist legal system and institutionalize and legalize democracy to ensure the stability, continuity and authority of China's legal system and laws.

zaterdag 18 september 2004

Dear Santa: All I want is a copy of your list of naughty girls. Home Page The search engine searches the web!

Minds, like parachutes, work only when open.

hundreds of drinking recipe's

Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away.

Nurses Bid Online for Extra Shifts
Two U.S. hospitals, one in Ayer, Massachusetts, and another one in Chicago, have found an innovative way to deal with nursing shortage. They post shift openings and the highest hourly rate they're willing to pay. Then, the nurses bid online for these extra shifts. The lowest bidders get the shifts and are notified by e-mail. The software behind the process, named eShift and marketed by FlexEstaff, is raising eyebrows at nurses associations. Still, FlexEstaff is negotiating with 8 more hospitals. This bidding process is almost certainly a good thing for the hospitals, but is it good for the nurses? Will we soon other industries adopt auction systems? Imagine a company telling you, "Hey, you want to make some extra dollars by building this car or writing this piece of software? Name your price, and you'll make some more cash." What do you think of this bidding process?

vrijdag 17 september 2004

Kang & Kodos again

A practised Lie is never as good as disorganized Truth.

La Opinion en Linea - Refuerzan guerra contra chupaductos: "Fuertes candados de seguridad carretera han sido implementados por la Policia Federal Preventiva en la region, a fin de combatir el transito de unidades que transporten combustible robado."

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

妇女企业家跑China's 私人企业的更多百分之40, 说顾・Xiulian, China's 全国People's 国会(NPC), 星期四常务委员会的副女主席。顾, 还总统所有中国Women's 联盟, 说, 妇女并且处理国营企业和集体企业的百分之28 和股份持有公司的百分之28 。
So in china women are equal, as equal as a doormat

Then there is sex that makes people call the police. - LEXPRESS Info - Infos du jour - L'Express::Création d'une force de gendarmerie européenne à l'initiative de Paris: "Cinq pays europeens ont approuve e l'initiative de la France la creation d'une force de gendarmerie europeenne, vendredi, en marge d'une reunion des ministres de la Defense de l'UE à Noordwijk (Pays-Bas).

Les ministres de la Défense espagnol, français, italien, néerlandais et portugais ont signé une "déclaration politique" approuvant la mise sur pied de cette force inédite."

the Kerrybush

Kent Brockman: Senator Dole, why should people vote for you instead of President Clinton?

Kang: It makes no difference which one of us you vote for. Either way, your planet is doomed. DOOMED!

Kent: Well, a refreshingly frank response there from senator Bob Dole. ............

Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates. They're nothing but hideous space reptiles.

[audience gasps in terror]

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about it? It's a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us.


Man1: He's right, this is a two-party system.

Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate.

Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away! ..........

Marge: I don't understand why we have to build a ray gun to aim at a planet I never even heard of.

Homer: Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos

"Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes."

Science Blog - A traveling-wave engine to power deep space travel: "A University of California scientist working at Los Alamos National Laboratory and researchers from Northrop Grumman Space Technology have developed a novel method for generating electrical power for deep-space travel using sound waves. The traveling-wave thermoacoustic electric generator has the potential to power space probes to the furthest reaches of the Universe."

5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions.

YÜRÜRLÜK MADDESİ GERİ ÇEKİLDİ Türk Ceza Kanunu Tasarısı'nın yürütme ve yürürlük maddeleri Adalet Komisyonu'na geri çekildi. Genel Kurul'da tasarının 343 maddesinin kabulünün ardından söz alan Komisyon Başkanı Köksal Toptan, TBMM gündeminde ceza mevzuatına ilişkin 4'lü bir paket bulunduğunu ve bu paketin içindeki en önemli tasarılardan biri olan TCK'nın yasalaşma aşamasına geldiğini belirtti.

Prophet? Profit? Hmmm...

CDU-Chefin stemmt sich gegen EU-Beitritt der Turkei | Nachrichten | Deutsche Welle | 16.09.2004: "CDU-Chefin Angela Merkel bleibt bei ihrem Nein zu einer EU-Vollmitgliedschaft der Turkei. Auch angesichts der jungsten Erweiterungsrunde im Fruhjahr um zehn Staaten halte sie eine Vollmitgliedschaft "nicht für angemessen", bekräftigte Merkel."

donderdag 16 september 2004

FNV demonstatie tegen de kabinetsplannen

meer info

blog of the day

وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب

Today's subliminal message is .

Photo Reports VERSACE. Коллекция моделей 2004 г

If dwarves have ore-gasms, do Scots have moorgasms?

Disco-carpa nudista Allen Roc Asta le tur some di car porvar sine est ti nudista, por disco Allen roc. Hypocrisia.

We do precision guesswork

Science Blog - 'Killer bacteria' more common than expected
''Some of these 11 countries, like Italy and Romania, initially claimed that they had almost no severe GAS infections whatsoever. But once they started looking, they found a huge number of cases. In Sweden there are some 300-400 severe GAS infections every year. In relation to population size, the incidence is roughly the same in the rest of Scandinavia, Great Britain, and the Czech Republic, which also have well-functioning systems for reporting these things. If we assume that this is the true incidence rate, then the enlarged EU should have 18-20,000 cases per year of severe streptococcal infections.''

''We'll probably never arrive at the exact figure. But there are also a large number of cases we never find out about,'' says Claes Schalén. ''We therefore hope that the study will lead to pan-European monitoring of these infections, and to more uniform laboratory methods.''

The study also shows that not merely the number of cases but also the number of different types of bacteria is greater than previously recorded. In the past scientists have estimated that there are some 50 types of GAS. Now the number has reached nearly 200, and new forms are turning up all the time. Moreover, different types often dominate different countries.

I used to have a handle on life, then it broke.

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Hurricane Ivan rips into Alabama
Ivan downsized to a category 3, groundcabels are safe!

Appreciate me now - and avoid the rush.

Index of /dirs/1/3/1/5/13153 String Quartet No. 15 Opus 132 by Ludwig van Beethoven
Does me remind me of my english teacher, he played the violonchello.

woensdag 15 september 2004

To boldly code what no one has coded before!

Make Your Own Software in less then 20 minutes, with the press of one button. And then quit your life-sucking job!

By God, for a moment there it actually all made sense - ?

I am not young enough to know everything.

� T-Rio Site Officiel
Yep, they do have an official site too. Whooaaa, duh

the End of the British Empire by a fox

BBC NEWS | Politics | Hunt protest halts Parliament
Parliament has been suspended after five protesters got into the Commons chamber while MPs debated whether to ban hunting with dogs.
It came as thousands of pro-hunters protest outside Parliament.
more about the uprise of the hunters
He said: "I was up at the front trying to make my point to a policeman, then he just hit me with his baton."
Another bleeding protester from Dorset told BBC News 24 he had been hit by a police baton.
"I was not confronting the police, I was trying to make my point. Unfortunately, I was hit several times across by arm but I'm sure the police are doing their duty."
Westminster Bridge was also closed by a sit-down protest.

A horrifying mistake that will lead to the end of werstern civilisation as whe now it, possible
This new split in society between hunters and anti-hunters could even destroy the fine social fabric of hunters and hunted.
And this means the end of political-ecological balance in nature.
Reynaerd, where art thou when thou is needed?

Is it much trouble, to lie the trouble?

kiss my bitter ass a site for and with complaining waitresses

dinsdag 14 september 2004

Old age and treachery beats youth and enthusiasm.

T-Rio, "Choopeta" Een olijk trio dat er een vrolijke bende van maakt.
Video "choopeta" en

Take my advice, I don't use it anyway. | 'Weblog bijhouden slecht voor gezondheid'
"Internetters die een lifelog, een weblog in een vorm van een dagboek, bijhouden hebben meer last van slapeloosheid, hoofdpijn, maagklachten en sociale problemen. Dit zegt een groep Britse psychologen die een aantal studenten onderzocht zonder weblog (41 studenten) en de resultaten vergeleek met studenten die wel een weblog bijhouden (94 studenten).

"We hadden verwacht dat de webloggers 'gezonder' waren dan de niet-schrijvers. Maar de loggers kwamen het slechtste uit de test," aldus Elaine Duncan van de Glasgow Caledonian University. "Eigenlijk ben je waarschijnlijk beter af als je helemaal niks schrijft."

De resultaten staan haaks op het idee dat problemen van je af schrijven goed voor je is. "Loggers die over hun problemen schrijven, komen daar steeds op terug. Daardoor kunnen ze bijvoorbeeld een traumatische ervaring nooit verwerken."

Duncan geeft toe dat de test niet uitwijst wat er eerst was; de problemen of het schrijven van een dagboek. "

maandag 13 september 2004

Diplomacy: Saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock


WebWereld. Uw link met het ICT-nieuws.

WebWereld. Uw link met het ICT-nieuws.
Longhorn-gebruiker kan mp3-spelers blokkeren
Windows Longhorn zal worden voorzien van een technologie waarmee mp3-spelers geblokkeerd kunnen worden om diefstal van data te voorkomen.

Uiteindelijk zulle audio en video bestanden helemaal in de ban worden gedaan, men werkt nog aan een ban voor text bestanden.
De allernieuwste technologie formateert je schijf zogauw men een connectie heeft opgebouwd met internet

zondag 12 september 2004

Trouble with political jokes is they get elected.

Welkom bij de Club van Tien Miljoen
Niet meer dan 10.000.000 mensen in nederland!
Meer mens met minder mensen.
Leve de vergrijzing.
In 2040 nog 3,2 miljoen teveel?

zaterdag 11 september 2004

People say I'm indecisive. Am I? I don't know.

I couldn't repair your brakes so I made your horn louder.

This Day in History Jesus, and that was only 3 years ago? My God, How did that happen? What about the flightrecorder? Was it something what I did? Why did nobody told me? What am I supposed to do? With what?! Terrible for them though. And no SARS?

All general statements are false.

'Nurturing' Computers Are Coming"Current computers don't have a clue about what their users feel or think. This is about to change, with ATHEMOS (Automatic THErmal Monitoring System), a device developed by Ioannis Pavlidis, a computer science professor at the University of Houston (UH). This news release from UH says that ATHEMOS is a physiological device which performs touchless measurements of your vital signs, such as blood flow, pulse or breathing rate. During the three days of Wired Magazine’s Nextfest, where ATHEMOS was featured, over 500 people had their vital signs measured at a distance of about 10 feet. So maybe one day, our computers will warn us to get some rest or to go jogging. Read more..."

Don't mess with me, I'm stupider than you are.

Science Blog - The (brain) stuff of which dreams are made
"A grand tradition in the study of the brain is to wait for disaster to strike. The functional map of the brain--identifying which areas underlie movement, different senses or emotions, memory, and so on--has largely been filled in by observing which functions were eliminated or changed with injuries or strokes to focal areas of the brain. In a new study, scientists describe a patient who lost all dreaming, and very little else, following a stroke in one distinct region of the brain, suggesting that this area is crucial for the generation of dreams."

vrijdag 10 september 2004

First shoot the answer...then ask the question later! injuries

How does one expect the unexpected?

Yahoo! News - Engineer Builds Robot That Walks on Water
" It could be called a mechanical miracle — a robot that walks on water. With inspiration from nature and some help from research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (news - web sites), a research team led by Carnegie Mellon engineering assistant professor Metin Sitti has built a tiny robot that can walk on water, much like insects known as water skimmers, water skaters, pond skaters or Jesus bugs."

It seems to me that since the 19th century when science understood everything as a competition (Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche etc) and the 20th century when science understood everything as a social engineering proces (Freud, Wittgenstein, Sartre etc) in this century the pace of innovations is just so high that taking one into production means being economicaly challenged for losing money.
For example: look only at the telecommunications industry and the amount of groundcabels.
newest innovations:


donderdag 9 september 2004

Life is a sexually transmitted disease

The New York Times > Science > Team Hopeful in Its Effort to Recreate Primal Life
... But the tree-constructing computer programs have been confounded by an awkward fact. Early in the history of life, genomes seem to have merged with one another. For instance, mitochondria, the tiny energy-producing organs of cells, were once free-living bacteria that were engulfed by the first eukaryotic cell. The programs are good at reconstructing standard evolutionary trees with a trunk and branch points, but cannot handle unusual events like merging two tree branches.

Dr. Lake's new program can apparently deconstruct the merger of two genomes. Applying it to the genomes of microbes from the three Woesian kingdoms, Dr. Lake and a colleague, Dr. Maria Rivera, found that eukaryotes were formed from a merger of an ancient photosynthetic bacterium with an archaeal cell.

That is presumably the same as the event in which mitochondria were captured, so Dr. Lake's conclusion is not surprising. But this is apparently the first time that the epochal merger has been reconstructed by genomic computation, a result that should make it much more amenable to further analysis.

Dr. Lake's finding also shows the three kingdoms of the Woesian view are not all of equal standing, as often supposed. By Dr. Lake's analysis, the bacteria and the archaea must have existed first, both presumably being descendants of the first cell, and the eukaryotes evolved later.

Email me the rules, please!

Roofies; Date Rape Drug of Choice

Bonking with Barbie..

="!Fotos de atractivas mujeres!. -Las mejores bellezas de la red-."

Flies spread disease. Keep yours zipped.

MSNBC - Smelly robot eats flies to generate its own power
British scientists are developing a robot that will generate its own power by eating flies.
The idea is to produce electricity by catching flies and digesting them in special fuel cells that will break down sugar in the insects' skeletons and release electrons that will drive an electric current.

dinsdag 7 september 2004

That tagline is TRUE -> <- That tagline is FALSE

KaZaA-gebruiker vrijuit - [i-Mail]: "AMSTERDAM - Auteursrechtenorganisatie Brein bereidt juridische stappen voor tegen computergebruikers die on line muziekbestanden delen. Alberdingk Thijm die advocaat is geeft de waakhond weinig kans. "De methode die ze toepassen is in strijd met het recht op privacy. Brein is een civiele partij, geen opsporingsdienst. In mijn ogen ben je verkeerd bezig als je een civiele partij toestaat persoonlijke gegevens als IP-adressen te verzamelen. In België en Canada heeft justitie al een stokje gestoken voor deze handelwijze.""

maandag 6 september 2004

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic. | Werknemer kan tegoed prepensioen opvragen
..."De VB en ook de Stichting voor Ondernemingspensioenfondsen (Opf) noemen de plannen van het kabinet ,,uiterst onverstandig''. Het kabinet zet aan tot ,,verbrassen'' van pensioengelden, vindt de Opf. De VB spreekt van ,,potverteren ten laste van toekomstige jaren en kabinetten''.

Hoe durven mensen ook hun eigen geld te verbrassen, tjonge, tjonge!!!

zaterdag 4 september 2004

Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.

BBC NEWS | World | Europe | As it happened: Russian school siege

Dyslexia: it can warn without striking!

Yahoo! News - Dyslexia Not the Same in Every Culture: "Westerners shudder at the idea of reading even the most basic street signs and instructions in Chinese, a language with 6,000 characters to memorize to be considered fluent.A new set of brain images shows why: Reading English-style alphabets and Chinese characters use very different parts of the brain.

The results also suggest that Chinese schoolchildren with reading problems misfire in a different brain region than the one used in reading alphabet-based languages like English. This demonstrates that the learning disorder dyslexia is not the same in every culture and does not have a universal biological cause, researchers said. "

vrijdag 3 september 2004

Atheist Problem: No one to talk to during sex.

Science Blog - Battle between bubbles might have started evolution: "Researchers are proposing that the first battle for survival-of-the-fittest might have played out as a simple physical duel between fatty bubbles stuffed with genetic material. The scientists suggest that genetic material that replicated quickly may have been all the bubbles needed to edge out their competitors and begin evolving into more sophisticated cells. This possibility, revealed by laboratory experiments with artificial fatty acid sacs, is in sharp contrast to a current theory of the earliest evolution of cells, which suggests that cellular evolution was driven by primordial genetic machinery that actively synthesized cell membranes or otherwise influenced cell stability or division."

This information fills a much needed gap

Noorderlicht Nieuws
"Natuurlijk waren het de science fiction-schrijvers die er als eersten aan dachten. In Arthur C. Clarke’s beroemde roman ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ vinden aardbewoners een buitenaardse zender op de maan. De zender wijst de weg naar een eveneens door buitenaardse wezens achtergelaten sterrenpoort, die in een baan om Jupiter zweeft.

Dat kon wel eens écht de manier zijn waarop we in contact komen met intelligente buitenaardse levensvormen, betogen twee Amerikaanse informatici deze week in nota bene het coververhaal van Nature. Ze krijgen onverwacht bijval van de Australische schrijver/natuurkundige Paul Davies. In een essay in het Britse blad New Scientist lanceert die een huiveringwekkend idee: misschien heeft ET diep in de prehistorie wel een complete encyclopedie verstopt in ons erfelijk materiaal, ons DNA."

donderdag 2 september 2004

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. -F. Nietzsche

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On what conclusions do you base your facts?

SPAWN.COM Spawn--the comics and more.

There IS intelligent life in the universe... It ignores us...

Science Blog - SETI detects intriguing signal

So much work, and so few women to do it.

Wat is 100%? Wat betekent het zich in te zetten voor MEER dan 100%?
We zijn allemaal al eens naar een vergadering geweest waar iemand jou
vraagt je in te zetten voor meer dan 100%.
Wat betekent het 103% te bereiken? Wat stelt 100% voor in het leven?
Hierna volgt een kleine mathematische formule die jou kan helpen
deze Vragen te beantwoorden:

Als : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
wordt voorgesteld als :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
Dan is :

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%


1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%


2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

EN, kijk eens hoe ver dit je zal brengen.

1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

Dus, je kan met mathematische zekerheid concluderen dat "Hard work"
en "Knowledge" je kort bij de 100% kan brengen en "Attitude" je er
brengt, Maar het is de "Bullshit" en "Ass kissing" dat je over de
top zal duwen.