Right Hemisphere - Products
Deep Paint 3D® provides 3D artists with an intuitive, easy to use tool to paint and texture 3D models interactively in 3D. It uses textures or natural medium that can be brushed directly or projected onto 3D models and scenes. And its free
woensdag 31 augustus 2005
dinsdag 30 augustus 2005
MarketingFacts :: dagelijks de nieuwste feiten & cijfers
MarketingFacts :: dagelijks de nieuwste feiten & cijfers: "Het AD wordt a.s. donderdag vernieuwd. Uniek is dat naast de redactie, lezers kunnen meewerken en zelf lokaal nieuws publiceren. De principes van een krant met een redactie worden hiermee gecombineerd met die van een weblog (zie ook Fusiekrant start 'Nederlandse OhMyNews')."
Camarados - The real camarados
Camarados - The real camarados Ja, de enige echte arrogante irritant plastisch opgeleukte.
zondag 28 augustus 2005
most intense, most damaging, most deadliest hurricanes
most intense, most damaging, most deadliest hurricanes
zaterdag 27 augustus 2005
vrijdag 26 augustus 2005
AD.nl - Een hondendrol brengt geluk
AD.nl - Een hondendrol brengt geluk: "Mannen op zoek naar een ideale partner, moeten in de oudejaarsnacht goed luisteren. Daar waar een hond blaft, zal hij zijn toekomstige bruid kunnen vinden."
En nog meer gekkigheid
En nog meer gekkigheid
Openbaar Ministerie - Parket Generaal
Openbaar Ministerie - Parket Generaal
In de DNA Databank van het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI) in Den Haag is deze week de 10.000ste 'hit' geregistreerd. Dat betekent dat van de 35.375 DNA-profielen die nu in de databank zitten, er 10.000 op de een of andere manier met elkaar gekoppeld kunnen worden.
In de DNA Databank van het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI) in Den Haag is deze week de 10.000ste 'hit' geregistreerd. Dat betekent dat van de 35.375 DNA-profielen die nu in de databank zitten, er 10.000 op de een of andere manier met elkaar gekoppeld kunnen worden.
donderdag 25 augustus 2005
Psychologie Magazine - Had ik maar.......
Psychologie Magazine - Had ik maar.......
Had ze maar nooit in de gevangenis afgesproken, dan had ik er nog onderuit kunnen komen.
Had ze maar nooit in de gevangenis afgesproken, dan had ik er nog onderuit kunnen komen.
woensdag 24 augustus 2005
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: In het spoor van de speer
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: In het spoor van de speer: "De speer, zo betoogt Kelly, heeft Homo erectus geleerd vriendschappelijke betrekkingen op te bouwen met zijn buren, iets wat chimpansees nooit gelukt is. Die samenwerking stelde H. erectus in staat samen te werken en de speren te richten op groot wild in plaats van op elkaar: olifanten, neushoorns, bisons, paarden, kamelen enzovoorts. Allemaal zijn ze teruggevonden in de barbecueresten van de oermens. Bevolkingsgroei werd voortaan niet langer opgelost door stammenoorlogen, maar door de trek vanuit Afrika.
Kelly schrijft in zijn artikel in het wetenschapsblad Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 'De ontwikkeling van de speer veranderde de voedselproductie, maar ook de sociale verbanden binnen de groep die verband hielden met productie, distributie en consumptie van voedsel. De veranderingen waren zo fundamenteel dat ook de verhouding tussen de groepen veranderde en daarmee de verdere menselijke evolutie."
Kelly schrijft in zijn artikel in het wetenschapsblad Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 'De ontwikkeling van de speer veranderde de voedselproductie, maar ook de sociale verbanden binnen de groep die verband hielden met productie, distributie en consumptie van voedsel. De veranderingen waren zo fundamenteel dat ook de verhouding tussen de groepen veranderde en daarmee de verdere menselijke evolutie."
dinsdag 23 augustus 2005
dn7888-1_700.jpg (JPEG Image, 700x569 pixels) - Scaled (97%)
dn7888-1_700.jpg (JPEG Image, 700x569 pixels) - Scaled (97%)
Astronomers have pinpointed the moment Ansel Adams clicked the shutter on his famous photograph, Autumn Moon, the High Sierra from Glacier Point. It was taken on 15 September 1948, at 1903 precisely.
astronomers have pinpointed when Vincent Van Gogh painted "White House at Night" to the hour. The extraordinary precision was made possible by identifying a star in the sky as the planet Venus.
Astronomers have pinpointed the moment Ansel Adams clicked the shutter on his famous photograph, Autumn Moon, the High Sierra from Glacier Point. It was taken on 15 September 1948, at 1903 precisely.
astronomers have pinpointed when Vincent Van Gogh painted "White House at Night" to the hour. The extraordinary precision was made possible by identifying a star in the sky as the planet Venus.
New Scientist Breaking News - Westerners and Easterners see the world differently
New Scientist Breaking News - Westerners and Easterners see the world differently: "Chinese and American people see the world differently – literally. While Americans focus on the central objects of photographs, Chinese individuals pay more attention to the image as a whole, according to psychologists at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, US."
maandag 22 augustus 2005
Security.NL maakt Nederland veilig
Security.NL maakt Nederland veilig: "De virussen en wormen waar internetgebruikers vandaag de dag mee te maken hebben zijn kinderspel in vergelijking met wat ons mogelijk te wachten staat, zo waarschuwen verschillende experts. Toekomstige virussen zouden computers namelijk fysiek kunnen beschadigen. Onderdelen zoals hardeschijven zijn voorzien van hun eigen besturingssysteem, en daardoor"...
Podnography: Podnography #3 - Disaster!
Podnography: Podnography #3 - Disaster! podcast with the female sexblogger Mackenzie
SPACE.com -- Astronomers Gear Up for Historic Asteroid Pass in 2029
SPACE.com -- Astronomers Gear Up for Historic Asteroid Pass in 2029
...In May, former Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart sent a letter to NASA administrator Mike Griffin urging the agency to investigate whether in 2029 Apophis might enter certain gravitational "keyholes" near Earth that would alter the asteroid's flight path in a manner that could put it on a more certain collision course with our planet in 2036...
...In May, former Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart sent a letter to NASA administrator Mike Griffin urging the agency to investigate whether in 2029 Apophis might enter certain gravitational "keyholes" near Earth that would alter the asteroid's flight path in a manner that could put it on a more certain collision course with our planet in 2036...
Studies Of Amazonian Languages Challenge Linguistic Theories
Studies Of Amazonian Languages Challenge Linguistic Theories: "New research by Dan Everett (University of Manchester) into the language of the Pirahã people of Amazonas, Brazil disputes two prominent linguistic ideas regarding grammar and translation. The Pirahã are intelligent, highly skilled hunters and fishers who speak a language remarkable for the complexity of its verb and sound systems. Yet, the Pirahã language and culture has several features that not known to exist in any other in the world and lacks features that have been assumed to be found in all human groups. The language does not have color words or grammatical devices for putting phrases inside other phrases. They do not have fiction or creation myths, and they have a lack of numbers and counting. Despite 200 years of contact, they have steadfastly refused to learn Portuguese or any other outside language. The unifying feature behind all of these characteristics is a cultural restriction against talking about things that extend beyond personal experience."
zondag 21 augustus 2005
Neplog - home of the open dir
Neplog - home of the open dir: "In het kader van de AIVD campagne 'Koekje Van Eigen Deeg' heeft de AIVD de volgende Fatwa uitgesproken over de vijanden der democratie:
In naam van Johannes Wijnandes Remkes, de Genadevolle, de Barmhartige. Alle lof en dank zijn voor Remkes, gezegend zijn zijn Boodschappers. Tegen de kruisvaarders der fundamentalistische Islam, ongewassen zonen van een bedenkelijk alooi, zeg ik dit:
Met jullie kruistocht in London, Madrid en New York hebben jullie de Toorn der AIVD over jullie heen geroepen en als Remkes, moge God hem berschermen, het wil zullen kanalen van bloed uit jullie terreurcellen vloeien.
Heeft de Leeuw der Democratie, onze Minister President, moge vrede op hem rusten, jullie niet gewaarschuwd welk lot jullie deel zou worden? Wat jullie gezien hebben bij de zaak Mohammed B, hij zij geknecht door de Heilige Letteren der Wet, is nog maar een eerste schermutseling in de Heilige Oorlog die tot jullie Ondergang zal leiden.
Alle ongewassen Honden Der Terreur: verlaat het Huis van Democratie of jullie zullen getroffen worden door de vulkanen van Haat die jullie met terreur hebben gekweekt onder het Nederlands Volk, heldhaftig zij haar aard. Bij de Snor van Balkenende, de mujahedeen der democratie zullen triomferen over jullie Haat. Onze Vrije Markt en Woord zal jullie verderfelijke ideologien verdelgen en de Rust in het Huis Van Remkes zal wederkeren!
Met vriendelijke groet,
AIVD, dienst communicatie "
via neplog
In naam van Johannes Wijnandes Remkes, de Genadevolle, de Barmhartige. Alle lof en dank zijn voor Remkes, gezegend zijn zijn Boodschappers. Tegen de kruisvaarders der fundamentalistische Islam, ongewassen zonen van een bedenkelijk alooi, zeg ik dit:
Met jullie kruistocht in London, Madrid en New York hebben jullie de Toorn der AIVD over jullie heen geroepen en als Remkes, moge God hem berschermen, het wil zullen kanalen van bloed uit jullie terreurcellen vloeien.
Heeft de Leeuw der Democratie, onze Minister President, moge vrede op hem rusten, jullie niet gewaarschuwd welk lot jullie deel zou worden? Wat jullie gezien hebben bij de zaak Mohammed B, hij zij geknecht door de Heilige Letteren der Wet, is nog maar een eerste schermutseling in de Heilige Oorlog die tot jullie Ondergang zal leiden.
Alle ongewassen Honden Der Terreur: verlaat het Huis van Democratie of jullie zullen getroffen worden door de vulkanen van Haat die jullie met terreur hebben gekweekt onder het Nederlands Volk, heldhaftig zij haar aard. Bij de Snor van Balkenende, de mujahedeen der democratie zullen triomferen over jullie Haat. Onze Vrije Markt en Woord zal jullie verderfelijke ideologien verdelgen en de Rust in het Huis Van Remkes zal wederkeren!
Met vriendelijke groet,
AIVD, dienst communicatie "
via neplog
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the deity of a parody religion, known as Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, started in June 2005 by Bobby Henderson as a parody of the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to allow intelligent design to be taught in science classes alongside evolution."
via enschede a/zee
via enschede a/zee
The Ark of Millions of Years Is the Intelligent Design Handbook; Read The Greatest Story on the Universe
The Ark of Millions of Years Is the Intelligent Design Handbook; Read The Greatest Story on the Universe: "Evolution and creationism both have pieces missing. The authors of The Ark of Millions of Years solve the mystery by combining ancient writings, modern physics and incredible writing style in this national best seller."
The new Erich von Daniken?
The new Erich von Daniken?
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: Wonderbaarlijke nanofolie
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: Wonderbaarlijke nanofolie
Nanotechnologen uit Texas en Australie zijn erin geslaagd om een meterslang lint te trekken van nanobuisjes. Gewoon met de hand. De nanofolie is sterker dan staal, lichter dan papier, kan licht geven en zonlicht omzetten in elektriciteit. De onderzoekers struikelen over de mogelijkheden van hun wonderlijke nanofolie.
Nanotechnologen uit Texas en Australie zijn erin geslaagd om een meterslang lint te trekken van nanobuisjes. Gewoon met de hand. De nanofolie is sterker dan staal, lichter dan papier, kan licht geven en zonlicht omzetten in elektriciteit. De onderzoekers struikelen over de mogelijkheden van hun wonderlijke nanofolie.
Planet - 'Nederland voor gek door Google Earth'
Planet - 'Nederland voor gek door Google Earth': "Onder de kop 'paranoia strikes deep' wordt Nederland te kijk gezet vanwege Tweede Kamerleden die vragen stellen over Google Earth als handvat voor potentiële terroristen."
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Thompson 'shot himself on phone'
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Thompson 'shot himself on phone': "The widow of US writer Hunter S Thompson has said her husband killed himself while they were speaking to one another on the telephone."
way to go
way to go
zaterdag 20 augustus 2005
Op school had ik 4 jaar expressie (handenarbeid) van juf evelien, die toch slechts tussen de 20 - 25 jaar oud kon zijn. Het valt me nu pas op hoe ik bij haar veranderd ben als puber. De aandacht die ik mezelf gaf en de aandacht die zij me gunde spreken boekdelen. Blijkbaar kon ze zich niet voorstellen dat er mensen zouden zijn die liever niet de aandacht aan haar gaven dan aan mij.
Waarschijnlijk is de hele pubertijd een aandachtskwestie.
Ze begreep eigenlijk niet dat ik vond dat ik meer recht had op aandacht dan zij.
Waarschijnlijk was ze in de lerarenkamer ook gewend om de aandacht voor zich op te eisen. Sexy, of telde dat in die tijd niet mee?
Waarschijnlijk is de hele pubertijd een aandachtskwestie.
Ze begreep eigenlijk niet dat ik vond dat ik meer recht had op aandacht dan zij.
Waarschijnlijk was ze in de lerarenkamer ook gewend om de aandacht voor zich op te eisen. Sexy, of telde dat in die tijd niet mee?
First Dates...The Top 10 List
First Dates...The Top 10 List
And if the date didn't show up?
11. Don't blame yourself when everything failed.
And if the date didn't show up?
11. Don't blame yourself when everything failed.
SPACE.com -- Intelligent Design and Evolution at the White House
SPACE.com -- Intelligent Design and Evolution at the White House: "The reporter got it right: there is an ongoing debate over intelligent design vs. evolution, at least in the media and in politics. There is not a debate in the greater scientific community about the validity of evolution. Further, the vast majority of scientists do not consider intelligent design as a viable alternative to evolution."
vrijdag 19 augustus 2005
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Ocean bug has 'smallest genome'
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Ocean bug has 'smallest genome': "What is more, Pelagibacter has none of the genetic clutter that most genomes have accumulated over time.
There are no duplicate gene copies, no viral genes, and no junk DNA."
There are no duplicate gene copies, no viral genes, and no junk DNA."
Scientists Crack 40-year-old DNA Puzzle And Point To 'Hot Soup' At The Origin Of Life
Scientists Crack 40-year-old DNA Puzzle And Point To 'Hot Soup' At The Origin Of Life: "A new theory that explains why the language of our genes is more complex than it needs to be also suggests that the primordial soup where life began on earth was hot and not cold, as many scientists believe.
New Cellular Evolution Theory Rejects Darwinian Assumptions (June 18, 2002) -- Life did not begin with one primordial cell. Instead, there were initially at least three simple types of loosely constructed cellular organizations. They swam in a pool of genes, evolving in a ...
Where There's Soup, There's Life (July 2, 2001) -- Where there's soup, there's life. But we're talking gourmet soup. That is, gourmet geochemical 'primordial soups' in hot springs and hydrothermal springs in the oceans that ... > full story
Molecular Midwives Hold Clues To The Origin Of Life (April 2, 2004) -- Adding a small molecule, dubbed a 'molecular midwife,' researchers increased the rate of DNA formation in a chemical reaction 1,000 fold over a similar reaction lacking a midwife. The ... > full story
Life In The Universe Takes Orders From Space (February 20, 2004) -- A century ago, when biologists used to talk about the primordial soup from which all life on Earth came, they probably never imagined from how far away the ingredients may have come. Recent findings ... > full story
> more related stories
Related sections:
Plants & Animals
Fossils & Ruins
In a paper published in the Journal of Molecular Evolution this week, researchers from the University of Bath describe a new theory which they believe could solve a puzzle that has baffled scientists since they first deciphered the language of DNA almost 40 years ago."
New Cellular Evolution Theory Rejects Darwinian Assumptions (June 18, 2002) -- Life did not begin with one primordial cell. Instead, there were initially at least three simple types of loosely constructed cellular organizations. They swam in a pool of genes, evolving in a ...
Where There's Soup, There's Life (July 2, 2001) -- Where there's soup, there's life. But we're talking gourmet soup. That is, gourmet geochemical 'primordial soups' in hot springs and hydrothermal springs in the oceans that ... > full story
Molecular Midwives Hold Clues To The Origin Of Life (April 2, 2004) -- Adding a small molecule, dubbed a 'molecular midwife,' researchers increased the rate of DNA formation in a chemical reaction 1,000 fold over a similar reaction lacking a midwife. The ... > full story
Life In The Universe Takes Orders From Space (February 20, 2004) -- A century ago, when biologists used to talk about the primordial soup from which all life on Earth came, they probably never imagined from how far away the ingredients may have come. Recent findings ... > full story
> more related stories
Related sections:
Plants & Animals
Fossils & Ruins
In a paper published in the Journal of Molecular Evolution this week, researchers from the University of Bath describe a new theory which they believe could solve a puzzle that has baffled scientists since they first deciphered the language of DNA almost 40 years ago."
donderdag 18 augustus 2005
Dilbert RSS
An RSS feed from the comic Dilbert, so you don't have to click yourself senseless in Google or the Dilbert site for an RSS feed of it, but now just can open it in your favorite RSS reader. Isn't that enlightened or just a drag?
An RSS feed from the comic Dilbert, so you don't have to click yourself senseless in Google or the Dilbert site for an RSS feed of it, but now just can open it in your favorite RSS reader. Isn't that enlightened or just a drag?
woensdag 17 augustus 2005
A girl phoned me the other day and said 'Come on over, there's nobody home.' I went over. Nobody was home.
- Rodney Dangerfield"
- Rodney Dangerfield"
Lukas Moodysson - Swedish Director
Lukas Moodysson - Swedish Director watch this guy, he has got it.
The Onion | Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory
The Onion | Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory
As the debate over the teaching of evolution in public schools continues, a new controversy over the science curriculum arose Monday in this embattled Midwestern state. Scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning are now asserting that the long-held 'theory of gravity' is flawed, and they have responded to it with a new theory of Intelligent Falling.
'Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, 'God' if you will, is pushing them down,' said Gabriel Burdett, who holds degrees in education, applied Scripture, and physics from Oral Roberts University.
Burdett added: 'Gravity—which is taught to our children as a law—is founded on great gaps in understanding. The laws predict the mutual force between all bodies of mass, but they cannot explain that force. Isaac Newton himself said, 'I suspect that my theories may all depend upon a force for which philosophers have searched all of nature in vain.' Of course, he is ...
As the debate over the teaching of evolution in public schools continues, a new controversy over the science curriculum arose Monday in this embattled Midwestern state. Scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning are now asserting that the long-held 'theory of gravity' is flawed, and they have responded to it with a new theory of Intelligent Falling.
'Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, 'God' if you will, is pushing them down,' said Gabriel Burdett, who holds degrees in education, applied Scripture, and physics from Oral Roberts University.
Burdett added: 'Gravity—which is taught to our children as a law—is founded on great gaps in understanding. The laws predict the mutual force between all bodies of mass, but they cannot explain that force. Isaac Newton himself said, 'I suspect that my theories may all depend upon a force for which philosophers have searched all of nature in vain.' Of course, he is ...
BNN.NL: "SPUIT & SLIK MEE! Spuiten & Slikken is ‘n nieuw live late-night programma. Daarvoor zoeken wij een vast publiek dat iedere uitzending wil bijwonen en zich wil bemoeien met alles wat er over seks & drugs te zeggen valt. Je leest het goed: IEDERE uitzending dus!
Vind je het leuk om bij de opnames te zijn, stuur dan als ’n gek een mailtje naar spuitenenslikken@bnn.nl met je naam, je leeftijd, je telefoonnummer of je hetero of homo bent en met hoeveel mensen je gaat komen. Praat mee in het programma waar straks heel Nederland over praat!"
Vind je het leuk om bij de opnames te zijn, stuur dan als ’n gek een mailtje naar spuitenenslikken@bnn.nl met je naam, je leeftijd, je telefoonnummer of je hetero of homo bent en met hoeveel mensen je gaat komen. Praat mee in het programma waar straks heel Nederland over praat!"
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: Nieuw leven voor 747
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: Nieuw leven voor 747
Er zit weer muziek in de middengolf. De nieuwe digitale radiostandaard DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) belooft glasheldere en storingsvrije ontvangst op korte- en middengolf. Voeg daar dataverkeer aan toe èn de mogelijkheid van Podcasting. Middengolf wordt weer...
Er zit weer muziek in de middengolf. De nieuwe digitale radiostandaard DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) belooft glasheldere en storingsvrije ontvangst op korte- en middengolf. Voeg daar dataverkeer aan toe èn de mogelijkheid van Podcasting. Middengolf wordt weer...
new software
Why isn't there software available with which you can directly stream from binarie newsgroups? This software must also have the abilty to tell you what will be streamed. And with RSS ofcourse.
I will sell this concept (NewsCasting) to the highest bidder. Starting at €10,000-
one can mail me at ratserel@gmail.com.
I will sell this concept (NewsCasting) to the highest bidder. Starting at €10,000-
one can mail me at ratserel@gmail.com.
dinsdag 16 augustus 2005
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: Dino's en vulkanen
Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Nieuws: Dino's en vulkanen
Of (als er ander leven in het universum bestaat) meegenomen door aliens?
Of (als er ander leven in het universum bestaat) meegenomen door aliens?
Cinema.nl: Komische terzijdes in de melkweg [recensie] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy van Garth Jennings
Cinema.nl: Komische terzijdes in de melkweg [recensie] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy van Garth Jennings: "Het is een naar slag buitenaardsen, de Vogons uit The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Ze zijn humeurig, bureaucratisch en ongevoelig, en hun poëzie behoort tot de slechtste uit het heelal. Daarnaast hebben ze besloten dat de planeet aarde plaats moet maken voor een intergalactische snelweg."
Deze heb ik gezien, een komische, beeldrijke, originele film; zeker de moeite waard. Het enigste minpuntje is de hoofdrolspeler (Dent) die een houten klaas lijkt en de chemie tussen de karakters, af en toe lijken ze niet te weten hoe ze op elkaar moeten reageren. Met het decor zit het wel goed, prima uitgevoerde computer designs. Let op het geluid van de deuren. Marvin the robot is een schitterend.
PCM, Personal Computer Magazine
PCM, Personal Computer Magazine: "Een Japanse overklokker is het gelukt om een Intel Pentium 4 670 microprocessor te overklokken tot 7,132GHz. Het lukte hem zelfs om op de computer enkele benchmarks te draaien. De computer werd gekoeld door middel van vloeibare stikstof."
A Lost Civilization in NW Europe? Atlantis?
A Lost Civilization in NW Europe?: "The academic who connected Atlantis with Ireland and the Megalithic Culture is now looking for a still older lost culture in the North Sea. He suspects some aspects of the Atlantis tale may in fact be historic memories from as far back as the Ice Age. An expedition may be urgent due to the risk of destruction by oil exploration and bottom trawling."
I just lost my firefox (1.06) bookmarks toolbar folder and my urlbar has vanished also.
The only thing that helped after a delete and program re-install (and older firefoz versions), find net info, checking view/bookmarks folder and systemrecovery turned out to be deleting the firefoxfolders in the programs dir. and in the settings/application dir. and reinstall.
Took me an hour and a half before I got to that point.
The only thing that helped after a delete and program re-install (and older firefoz versions), find net info, checking view/bookmarks folder and systemrecovery turned out to be deleting the firefoxfolders in the programs dir. and in the settings/application dir. and reinstall.
Took me an hour and a half before I got to that point.
maandag 15 augustus 2005
Evolution vs. Design: Is the Universe a Cosmic Accident or Does it Display Intelligent Design?
Evolution vs. Design: Is the Universe a Cosmic Accident or Does it Display Intelligent Design?
Should Evolution evolve into an Intelligent Design?
Was there an intelligent design before evolution?
When do we call an organ an eye?
Was there beauty in the eye before the beholder before the eye had an beholder or the beholder had an eye?
Does God evolve?
What was there before God (existed amd created the universe)?
Is there an hypothesis called intelligent design to prove God?
Why didn't God prove inteligent design?
Is intelligent design really christian?
Does one need an theology book when one wants to study biology?
If God created also a comfortable (physics) zone for living, then why also auschwitz?
Is auschwitz Intelligent Design?
Those are todays bugging questions.
Should Evolution evolve into an Intelligent Design?
Was there an intelligent design before evolution?
When do we call an organ an eye?
Was there beauty in the eye before the beholder before the eye had an beholder or the beholder had an eye?
Does God evolve?
What was there before God (existed amd created the universe)?
Is there an hypothesis called intelligent design to prove God?
Why didn't God prove inteligent design?
Is intelligent design really christian?
Does one need an theology book when one wants to study biology?
If God created also a comfortable (physics) zone for living, then why also auschwitz?
Is auschwitz Intelligent Design?
Those are todays bugging questions.
Occupied in Gaza
Raising Yousuf: a diary of a mother under occupation Journalist blog from Gaza.
So D-Day has finally come. Its like a zoo here, what with thousands of journalists (2000 according to the Ministry of the Information) flown in from around the world, spread across every inch of Gaza, every settlement, refugee camp, border...
Occupied in Gaza (her second blog)
So D-Day has finally come. Its like a zoo here, what with thousands of journalists (2000 according to the Ministry of the Information) flown in from around the world, spread across every inch of Gaza, every settlement, refugee camp, border...
Occupied in Gaza (her second blog)
Model Gives Clearer Idea Of How Oxygen Came To Dominate Earth's Atmosphere
Model Gives Clearer Idea Of How Oxygen Came To Dominate Earth's Atmosphere
But Claire said that just changing the model to reflect different iron content in the outer crust makes a huge difference in when the model shows free oxygen filling the atmosphere. Increasing the actual iron content fivefold would have delayed oxygenation by more than 1 billion years, while cutting iron to one-fifth the actual level would have allowed oxygenation to happen more than 1 billion years earlier.
But Claire said that just changing the model to reflect different iron content in the outer crust makes a huge difference in when the model shows free oxygen filling the atmosphere. Increasing the actual iron content fivefold would have delayed oxygenation by more than 1 billion years, while cutting iron to one-fifth the actual level would have allowed oxygenation to happen more than 1 billion years earlier.
Harvard Jumps Into Evolution Debate - Yahoo! News
Harvard Jumps Into Evolution Debate - Yahoo! News: "Evolution is a fundamental scientific theory that species evolved over millions of years. It has been standard in most public school science texts for decades but recently re-emerged in the spotlight as communities and some states debated whether school children should also be taught about creationism or intelligent design.
The theory of intelligent design says life on earth is too complex to have developed through evolution, implying that a higher power must have had a hand in creation.
Harvard has not been seen as a leader in origins of life research, but the university's vast resources could change that perception."
The theory of intelligent design says life on earth is too complex to have developed through evolution, implying that a higher power must have had a hand in creation.
Harvard has not been seen as a leader in origins of life research, but the university's vast resources could change that perception."
zondag 14 augustus 2005
Scientists' Belief in God Varies Starkly by Discipline
Scientists' Belief in God Varies Starkly by Discipline
About two-thirds of scientists believe in God, according to a new survey that uncovered stark differences based on the type of research they do.
The study, along with another one released in June, would appear to...
About two-thirds of scientists believe in God, according to a new survey that uncovered stark differences based on the type of research they do.
The study, along with another one released in June, would appear to...
internet: wat je zien wil(de) staat nou net nooit op je scherm, de term leeshonger krijgt nieuwe betekenis en jezelf een legere beurs.
Of je er heen browsed of het RSS't; resultaat is hetzelfde, een anonieme ontmoeting met leestekens. Waarin je alleen je eigen betekenis kunt uitmoorden.
De vorm overwon de inhoud. Alleen al door zijn omvang is de content van internet betekenisloos geworden. Als internet de som is van (nijna) alle menselijke (vergaarde) kennis, zijn alle mensen bij elkaar dan net zou (ge)leeg(d) van betekenis?
Gelukkig nemen zoveel mensen de moeite om te tonen dat het web iets betekend.
We hebben een nieuw medium om er de mensheid rond te organiseren, net zoals het gedaan is met TV en radio en kerk en kruis. We denken wel dat dit medium zelforganiserend is, maar we denken toch ook niet dat een PC kan denken. Kortom we liegen: de hype is voorbij en niemand wil/kan nog over het web praten (zonder zich bedreigt te voelen).
Bedreigt door een psychologiese afgrond en onmetelijke afstand tot de ander. Achter de hypocriete zelforganisatie van het web vinden we slechts onszelf met onze meest verachtelijke wensen.
Een globale organisatie die een structuur aanwijst is wat de menselijke psyche nood heeft. Google (search), Yahoo (portal) en Microsoft (OS), zijn de machtigste 3.
Wee ons als dit alles onder iemands controle komt en de vissers de aas blijken.
De wereld veranderd en de menselijke psyche veranderd mee maar de honger blijft hetzelfde.
Hoe serieus is het net?
Of je er heen browsed of het RSS't; resultaat is hetzelfde, een anonieme ontmoeting met leestekens. Waarin je alleen je eigen betekenis kunt uitmoorden.
De vorm overwon de inhoud. Alleen al door zijn omvang is de content van internet betekenisloos geworden. Als internet de som is van (nijna) alle menselijke (vergaarde) kennis, zijn alle mensen bij elkaar dan net zou (ge)leeg(d) van betekenis?
Gelukkig nemen zoveel mensen de moeite om te tonen dat het web iets betekend.
We hebben een nieuw medium om er de mensheid rond te organiseren, net zoals het gedaan is met TV en radio en kerk en kruis. We denken wel dat dit medium zelforganiserend is, maar we denken toch ook niet dat een PC kan denken. Kortom we liegen: de hype is voorbij en niemand wil/kan nog over het web praten (zonder zich bedreigt te voelen).
Bedreigt door een psychologiese afgrond en onmetelijke afstand tot de ander. Achter de hypocriete zelforganisatie van het web vinden we slechts onszelf met onze meest verachtelijke wensen.
Een globale organisatie die een structuur aanwijst is wat de menselijke psyche nood heeft. Google (search), Yahoo (portal) en Microsoft (OS), zijn de machtigste 3.
Wee ons als dit alles onder iemands controle komt en de vissers de aas blijken.
De wereld veranderd en de menselijke psyche veranderd mee maar de honger blijft hetzelfde.
Hoe serieus is het net?
Selfreplication for robots
For humans and other animals, reproduction comes pretty naturally. But for robots, it's a huge challenge. Recently, scientists took a big step by creating simple robots that can make exact copies of themselves.
For humans and other animals, reproduction comes pretty naturally. But for robots, it's a huge challenge. Recently, scientists took a big step by creating simple robots that can make exact copies of themselves.
New Scientist Premium- Is jiggling vacuum the origin of mass? - Breaking News
New Scientist Premium- Is jiggling vacuum the origin of mass? - Breaking News
WHERE mass comes from is one of the deepest mysteries of nature. Now a controversial theory suggests that mass comes from the interaction of matter with the quantum vacuum that pervades the universe.
The theory was previously used to explain inertial mass - the property of matter that resists acceleration - but it has been extended to gravitational mass, which is the property of matter that feels the tug of gravity.
For decades, mainstream opinion...
WHERE mass comes from is one of the deepest mysteries of nature. Now a controversial theory suggests that mass comes from the interaction of matter with the quantum vacuum that pervades the universe.
The theory was previously used to explain inertial mass - the property of matter that resists acceleration - but it has been extended to gravitational mass, which is the property of matter that feels the tug of gravity.
For decades, mainstream opinion...
Apollo Pony: 5 Men (of Voice Overs)
Apollo Pony: 5 Men (of Voice Overs) the voice, the movie, and the men.
zaterdag 13 augustus 2005
Overheard in New York
Overheard in New York
Stripper chick: I don't know, there was a detective that used to hang out with us in the club, maybe I could call him. He used to drive me home and shit.
Queer: Um, is he trustworthy?
Stripper chick: Well, actually he's pretty shady, but whatever.
Queer: Actually, that's probably better.
Stripper chick: You know, it probably is!
--A train
Stripper chick: I don't know, there was a detective that used to hang out with us in the club, maybe I could call him. He used to drive me home and shit.
Queer: Um, is he trustworthy?
Stripper chick: Well, actually he's pretty shady, but whatever.
Queer: Actually, that's probably better.
Stripper chick: You know, it probably is!
--A train
Überwachungskameras machen agressiv - PlasticThinking: Moe's Blog.
Überwachungskameras machen agressiv - PlasticThinking: Moe's Blog. An italian underground movement strikes at video survilliance.
vrijdag 12 augustus 2005
New Scientist Breaking News - Erotic images can turn you blind
New Scientist Breaking News - Erotic images can turn you blind: "The new study by US psychologists found that people shown erotic or gory images frequently fail to process images they see immediately afterwards. And the researchers say some personality types appear to be affected more than others by the phenomenon, known as “emotion-induced blindness”."
erotic pictures of blindness is even worse
yes, they all were blind
Y-Tel Wireless.com - News
Y-Tel Wireless.com - News::Jenna with Mike Tyson in an adult movie?: "But, when word got around the ClubJenna studio, several of the ClubJenna Girls said they thought they'd like to do some scenes with him and I am sure those scenes would be out of control. Mike would definitely be an amazing adult performer. If he appeared with any of the five ClubJenna Girls, I think the movie could be knockout!...We think he's a man of great passion and we want to see him exercise his emotions on film. Life is a series of ups and downs, and I know what it's like to climb back from a defeat, so we look forward to seeing great things from him in the future. "
DNA Proof that Elvis Is Alive – Fans Are Celebrating
DNA Proof that Elvis Is Alive – Fans Are Celebrating: "Dr. Bill Beeny of St. Louis, Missouri and a medical doctor from Memphis, Tenn., have taken biopsy tissue from Elvis in 1973 and 1975, and compared it to the tissue from the cadaver reported to be Elvis. The conclusive lab results show that the Elvis DNA tissue from 1973 and 1975 does not match the body in the casket. Finally, there is proof that Elvis did not die!"
Vandaag weer het gevoel alsof ik met een groot gat in mijn hoofd rondloop, het gat zit op de plaats waar ik vroeger zat. Ik voel me verdoofd (maar dat is niet door de moderne zondvloed aan infotainment en het is ook geen CD-conduct disorder- van me). Het is meer een intellectuele verdommenis. Dit moet het verschil zijn tussen mijn vroegere vakkenpakket en het tegenwoordige profiel cultuur en maatschappij van de HAVO, ik had 30 jaar geleden geen biologie moeten kiezen maar een derde taal. Ik hoef dus alleen nog maar frans en/of duits te leren. Een hele verbetering na 20 jaar experimenteren met het onderwijssyteem dus.
Ik weet nog dat er in de beginjaren 80 werd geroepen dat er te weinig leraren waren, nu is dus duidelijk waarvoor en hoeveel: geen. Maar goed dat ik de lerarenopleiding niet heb afgemaakt. Maar wie intereseert dat nog? Waarschijnlijk zou ik het MIT bellen moeten (ook handig voor in de klas).
Ik weet nog dat er in de beginjaren 80 werd geroepen dat er te weinig leraren waren, nu is dus duidelijk waarvoor en hoeveel: geen. Maar goed dat ik de lerarenopleiding niet heb afgemaakt. Maar wie intereseert dat nog? Waarschijnlijk zou ik het MIT bellen moeten (ook handig voor in de klas).
donderdag 11 augustus 2005
Elsevier.nl - Politiek - 'Angst voor misbruik satellietfoto's onterecht'
Elsevier.nl - Politiek - 'Angst voor misbruik satellietfoto's onterecht': "'Angst voor misbruik satellietfoto's onterecht'
Het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken ziet geen reden om maatregelen te treffen tegen zoeksystemen op internet waarmee gedetailleerde satellietbeelden van straten en gebouwen kunnen worden opgezocht. Tweede-Kamerleden van de VVD en PvdA vinden die conclusie te voorbarig en willen een onderzoek."
Waarschijnlijk wordt Google Earth gesponserd door de CIA en andere veiligheidsdiensten om de indentiteit van de programmagebruikers vastteleggen en zonodig te volgen. Paranoide overheid.
nu.nl/internet | VS wil Skype kunnen aftappen: "De Amerikaanse regering steunt de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe technologie waarmee internettelefonie kan worden afgetapt. Onderzoekers van de George Mason University hebben een kwart miljoen euro subsidie ontvangen om de techniek te verfijnen. De afluistermethode is al met succes getest op het populaire telefonieprogrammaSkype. "
Het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken ziet geen reden om maatregelen te treffen tegen zoeksystemen op internet waarmee gedetailleerde satellietbeelden van straten en gebouwen kunnen worden opgezocht. Tweede-Kamerleden van de VVD en PvdA vinden die conclusie te voorbarig en willen een onderzoek."
Waarschijnlijk wordt Google Earth gesponserd door de CIA en andere veiligheidsdiensten om de indentiteit van de programmagebruikers vastteleggen en zonodig te volgen. Paranoide overheid.
nu.nl/internet | VS wil Skype kunnen aftappen: "De Amerikaanse regering steunt de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe technologie waarmee internettelefonie kan worden afgetapt. Onderzoekers van de George Mason University hebben een kwart miljoen euro subsidie ontvangen om de techniek te verfijnen. De afluistermethode is al met succes getest op het populaire telefonieprogrammaSkype. "
Google: An Apology - ZDNet UK Comment
Google: An Apology - ZDNet UK Comment: "Clearly, there is no place in modern reporting for this kind of unregulated, unprotected access to readily available facts, let alone in capriciously using them to illustrate areas of concern. We apologise unreservedly, and will cooperate fully in helping Google change people's perceptions of its role just as soon as it feels capable of communicating to us how it wishes that role to be seen."
in addition to the google/ZDNet conflict
in addition to the google/ZDNet conflict
Escape From Obsession
the gingerdead man trailer: the cookies attack with Gary Busey (the actor). Awesome!
Gear Live | SoulPad from IBM Lets You Carry Your Computer’s “Soul”
Gear Live | SoulPad from IBM Lets You Carry Your Computer’s “Soul” You may soon be able bring your home or office system wherever you go, using almost any USB 2.0 device to carry your computer’s “soul.” SoulPad, which is being developed by IBM, stores three...
(with added movie)
(with added movie)
Sage: a feed reader for Firefox
Sage: a feed reader for Firefox the outlay is a beauty and better then the one from pluck.com because they have a one day delay in their feed(s)
Climate warning
New Scientist News - Climate warning as Siberia melts: "THE world's largest frozen peat bog is melting. An area stretching for a million square kilometres across the permafrost of western Siberia is turning into a mass of shallow lakes as the ground melts, according to Russian researchers just back from the region.
The sudden melting of a bog the size of France and Germany combined could unleash billions of tonnes of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere."
Europe's big cities feel the heat of climate change: WWF - Yahoo! News: "Between 2000 and 2004, average temperatures in 13 of the 16 cities surveyed were at least one degree Celsius higher than during the first five years of the 1970s, the environmental organisation said.
The study covered the 15 capitals of the pre-2004 European Union as well as Warsaw in Poland.
The largest rise in average temperatures between June and late September was 2.2 degrees Celsius in Madrid, where the summer average reached about 23.7 degrees C (74 degrees Fahrenheit) during the first five years of this decade, according to the study."
The sudden melting of a bog the size of France and Germany combined could unleash billions of tonnes of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere."
Europe's big cities feel the heat of climate change: WWF - Yahoo! News: "Between 2000 and 2004, average temperatures in 13 of the 16 cities surveyed were at least one degree Celsius higher than during the first five years of the 1970s, the environmental organisation said.
The study covered the 15 capitals of the pre-2004 European Union as well as Warsaw in Poland.
The largest rise in average temperatures between June and late September was 2.2 degrees Celsius in Madrid, where the summer average reached about 23.7 degrees C (74 degrees Fahrenheit) during the first five years of this decade, according to the study."
New Scientist Breaking News - Remote-controlled humans enhance immersive games
New Scientist Breaking News - Remote-controlled humans enhance immersive games: "By remotely stimulating a person's vestibular system - the fluid-filled tubes in the inner ear that guide their sense of balance - with electrodes placed on the skin just below the ear, researchers at NTT's research laboratories in Kanagawa have found a way to turn humans into oversized radio controlled vehicles.
The technique, known as galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS), unbalances a person so that they automatically veer left or right in an attempt to rebalance themselves. The NTT team developed a headset and a control unit similar to that used with remote-controlled toy cars."
The technique, known as galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS), unbalances a person so that they automatically veer left or right in an attempt to rebalance themselves. The NTT team developed a headset and a control unit similar to that used with remote-controlled toy cars."
European rocket puts huge Thai satellite aloft - Yahoo! News
European rocket puts huge Thai satellite aloft - Yahoo! News: "It was the fourth Thaicom satellite launched by Arianespace for the private Thai company Shin Satellite Plc, formerly Shinawatra Satellite, which is owned by the family of Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra."
woensdag 10 augustus 2005
Defense Tech: Army Picks New Killer Drone
Defense Tech: Army Picks New Killer Drone
The Army sees the drones staying up in the air for 72 hours straight; the Predator, by comparison, can't even manage a whole day in flight, right now. While it's airborne, the Army expects the ERMP to snoop on enemies, relay communications, identify targets -- and blow stuff up, if need be. It'll start out with Hellfire missiles, same as the Predator. Other weapons may be added, later on.
The Army sees the drones staying up in the air for 72 hours straight; the Predator, by comparison, can't even manage a whole day in flight, right now. While it's airborne, the Army expects the ERMP to snoop on enemies, relay communications, identify targets -- and blow stuff up, if need be. It'll start out with Hellfire missiles, same as the Predator. Other weapons may be added, later on.
Private Company Plans $100 Million Tour Around the Moon - New York Times
Private Company Plans $100 Million Tour Around the Moon - New York Times
Space Adventures, a company based in Arlington, Va., has already sent two tourists into orbit. Today, it is to unveil an agreement with Russian space officials to send two passengers on a voyage lasting 10 to 21 days, depending...
Space Adventures, a company based in Arlington, Va., has already sent two tourists into orbit. Today, it is to unveil an agreement with Russian space officials to send two passengers on a voyage lasting 10 to 21 days, depending...
China the place to be?
China the place to be?
China kent momenteel circa 100 miljoen internetgebruikers en dit aantal zal naar verwachting groeien naar 187 miljoen in 2007. 80% van de internetgebruikers gebruikt Baidu.com als searchengine, met het gevolg dat Baidu op de zesde plaats in de Alexa top 10 staat.
Met een internetmarkt van deze omvang, lijkt China..
China kent momenteel circa 100 miljoen internetgebruikers en dit aantal zal naar verwachting groeien naar 187 miljoen in 2007. 80% van de internetgebruikers gebruikt Baidu.com als searchengine, met het gevolg dat Baidu op de zesde plaats in de Alexa top 10 staat.
Met een internetmarkt van deze omvang, lijkt China..
Disability Group Blasts Associated Press for Inaccurate Reporting
Disability Group Blasts Associated Press for Inaccurate Reporting: "Disability activists are criticizing the Associated Press for inaccurate coverage of euthanasia in the Netherlands. Among other things, AP journalists are conflating 'terminal illness' and 'disability.'"
dinsdag 9 augustus 2005
Military machine: Defense robot developed at CMU makes its debut
Military machine: Defense robot developed at CMU makes its debut Known as the Gladiator Tactical Unmanned Ground Vehicle (TUGV), the six-wheeled combat robot spun around in circles displaying its strength and durability at what could have been its coming-out party-- the first public demonstration of the prototype designed and developed at Carnegie Mellon University and set to....
about searching
Eyetools Research: Eyetracking Google Search Results -- Eyetools research (this one should help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO/SEM) planning).

...shown that the vast majority of eye tracking activity during a search happens in a triangle at the top of the search results page indicating that the areas of maximum interest create a "golden triangle."
IBM: Concepts, not Keywords, Are Key to Search · MarketingVOX
IBM today said it would offer, for free, its Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) technology, to allow businesses to search through vast amounts of unstructured corporate data to find underlying relationships, meanings, and concepts, without relying on simple keywords...
AlterSlash ~ the unofficial SlashDot digest
Yahoo announced today that its search engine passed Google’s for overall capacity, with 20 billion documents and images indexed versus 11.3 billion for Google. Observers had previously pegged Yahoo’s index at just 8 billion items. The growth is due...
...shown that the vast majority of eye tracking activity during a search happens in a triangle at the top of the search results page indicating that the areas of maximum interest create a "golden triangle."
IBM: Concepts, not Keywords, Are Key to Search · MarketingVOX
IBM today said it would offer, for free, its Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) technology, to allow businesses to search through vast amounts of unstructured corporate data to find underlying relationships, meanings, and concepts, without relying on simple keywords...
AlterSlash ~ the unofficial SlashDot digest
Yahoo announced today that its search engine passed Google’s for overall capacity, with 20 billion documents and images indexed versus 11.3 billion for Google. Observers had previously pegged Yahoo’s index at just 8 billion items. The growth is due...
zQcentral.com - Nieuws - Vrouwen liegen over hun seksleven.
zQcentral.com - Nieuws - Vrouwen liegen over hun seksleven.
Terwijl mannen graag opscheppen over hun prestaties in bed, zijn vrouwen juist bescheiden over hun seksleven. Maar in werkelijkheid hebben vrouwen net zo'n lange waslijst met bedpartners.
Terwijl mannen graag opscheppen over hun prestaties in bed, zijn vrouwen juist bescheiden over hun seksleven. Maar in werkelijkheid hebben vrouwen net zo'n lange waslijst met bedpartners.
maandag 8 augustus 2005
zondag 7 augustus 2005
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Thoughts read' via brain scans
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Thoughts read' via brain scans
Scientists say they have been able to monitor people's thoughts via scans of their brains.
Teams at University College London and University of California in LA could tell what images people were....
Scientists say they have been able to monitor people's thoughts via scans of their brains.
Teams at University College London and University of California in LA could tell what images people were....
Scuffletown » Blog Archive » Shinjuku Techno Freakout
Scuffletown » Blog Archive » Shinjuku Techno Freakout
movie of a japanese girl dancing to three DJ's
movie of a japanese girl dancing to three DJ's
zaterdag 6 augustus 2005
Google snubs press in privacy fury | The Register
Google snubs press in privacy fury | The Register IS GOOGLE BECOMING ARROGANT?
President Bush Endorses Intelligent Design 2 Weeks Before New Book “Nature Never Stops Talking-The Wonderful Ingenuity of Nature” Hits the Market
President Bush Endorses Intelligent Design 2 Weeks Before New Book “Nature Never Stops Talking-The Wonderful Ingenuity of Nature” Hits the Market: "President Bush Endorses Intelligent Design 2 Weeks Before New Book “Nature Never Stops Talking-The Wonderful Ingenuity of Nature” Hits the Market
Many say that it is a debate between Church and State but not Sam Alibrando. Mr. Alibrando’s Book, Nature Never Stops Talking never refers to God, Genesis or creationism per se. It doesn’t quote scripture either. It is good reading for folks who love nature. Because of its objectivity, it will become a great threat to those on the evolution side because it is non-religious, understandable and doesn’t reach beyond the tangible and provable...."
Many say that it is a debate between Church and State but not Sam Alibrando. Mr. Alibrando’s Book, Nature Never Stops Talking never refers to God, Genesis or creationism per se. It doesn’t quote scripture either. It is good reading for folks who love nature. Because of its objectivity, it will become a great threat to those on the evolution side because it is non-religious, understandable and doesn’t reach beyond the tangible and provable...."
survive an atom bomb in 1951 9.9 MB or 80MB
It's of course evident that you also must be warned before the actual attack, not like those poor bastards in hirosjima.
It's of course evident that you also must be warned before the actual attack, not like those poor bastards in hirosjima.
:::: F E R I C S T U D I O ::::
:::: F E R I C S T U D I O ::::
Fevolution is about infinite evolutionary possibilities. ...
Fevolution is about infinite evolutionary possibilities. ...
vrijdag 5 augustus 2005
woensdag 3 augustus 2005
news @ nature.com - Moon soils store Earth's early breath - Traces of ancient nitrogen could date our magnetic field.
news @ nature.com - Moon soils store Earth's early breath - Traces of ancient nitrogen could date our magnetic field.: "The Moon's soil preserves gases from the ancient Earth's atmosphere, say scientists who have studied results from the Apollo missions. "
Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.co.uk
Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.co.uk: "North Korea's Dear Leader Kim Jong-il never forgets a phone number, a cadre's career or a line of computer code.
According to an article posted on Tuesday on a Web site run by North Korea, Kim wakes up early every day for intensive memory training where he sits down and commits to his keen mind items such as the phone numbers of workers in his Stalinist state."
these workers will be pleased to know this, now the great leader himself can call them out of bed when they appear to late on the job.
According to an article posted on Tuesday on a Web site run by North Korea, Kim wakes up early every day for intensive memory training where he sits down and commits to his keen mind items such as the phone numbers of workers in his Stalinist state."
these workers will be pleased to know this, now the great leader himself can call them out of bed when they appear to late on the job.
maandag 1 augustus 2005
Keld Bach’s Press Cuttings » Blog Archive » The Bush Crime Family Tree
Keld Bach’s Press Cuttings » Blog Archive » The Bush Crime Family Tree
George Walker, GW’s great-grandfather, set up the takeover of the Hamburg-America Line, a cover for I.G. Farben’s Nazi espionage unit in the United States. In Germany, I.G. Farben was most famous for putting the gas in gas chambers; it was the producer of Zyklon B and ...
George Walker, GW’s great-grandfather, set up the takeover of the Hamburg-America Line, a cover for I.G. Farben’s Nazi espionage unit in the United States. In Germany, I.G. Farben was most famous for putting the gas in gas chambers; it was the producer of Zyklon B and ...
Once-dreaded leprosy 'replaced' by tuberculosis | Science Blog
Once-dreaded leprosy 'replaced' by tuberculosis | Science Blog: "What caused leprosy – a widely dreaded disease in medieval Europe – to fade from the scene? By the 16th century, the scourge had practically disappeared there.
The reason seems to be, say researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and in London, that tuberculosis, a far more deadly disease, overtook leprosy, killing millions throughout Europe."
The reason seems to be, say researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and in London, that tuberculosis, a far more deadly disease, overtook leprosy, killing millions throughout Europe."
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