zaterdag 5 mei 2012

Sexual selection in humans: What is attractive and why

Sexual selection in humans: What is attractive and why: Sexual selection is a variant of natural selection in which one gender prefers certain traits be present in their mate. Thus individuals with those attractive traits will have a high reproductive success, spreading their genes (and the trait) through the population. This can also cause the attractive trait to become greatly exaggerated, so as to … Continue reading »...

Dixson AF, Halliwell G, East R, Wignarajah P, & Anderson MJ. (2003) Masculine somatotype and hirsuteness as determinants of sexual attractiveness to women. Archives of sexual behavior, 32(1), 29-39. PMID: 12597270   Masculine somatotype and hirsuteness as determinants of sexual attractiveness to women.

Sybil A Streeter, Donald H McBurney. (2002) Waist–hip ratio and attractiveness: New evidence and a critique of “a critical test”. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24(2), 88-98. info:/10.1016/S1090-5138(02)00121-6

Pawłowski B. (2003) Variable preferences for sexual dimorphism in height as a strategy for increasing the pool of potential partners in humans. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 270(1516), 709-12. PMID: 12713744   Variable preferences for sexual dimorphism in height as a strategy for increasing the pool of potential partners in humans.

But having the more attractive traits makes that living life more meaningful?